What are some common ISO Uploader commands?
Here are some sample ISO Uploader commands:
List All available ISO Domains:
1. rhevm-iso-uploader.py -u user@yourdomain.com list
2. rhevm-iso-uploader.py list
NFS Upload: By default the LC uses NFS as the transport to upload files to the ISO domain.
rhevm-iso-uploader.py -u keith@capdom.usersys.redhat.com --iso-domain=ISO upload /tmp/files/*.txt
-- Upload a bunch of *.txt files to the ISO domain named "ISO"
NFS Upload Force: Often times files are pre-existing on the ISO domain. Use the --force option to overwrite them.
rhevm-iso-uploader.py -u user@yourdomain.com --iso-domain=ISO --force upload /tmp/files/*.txt
SSH Upload: It is also possible to upload files via SSH.
rhevm-iso-uploader.py -u user@yourdomain.com --iso-domain=ISO --ssh-user=root upload /tmp/files/*.txt
SSH Upload Force: Same issue as NFS. If the file exists then overwrite it.
rhevm-iso-uploader.py -u user@yourdomain.com --iso-domain=ISO --ssh-user=root --force upload /tmp/files/*.txt