How do you use RHEL?
At Red Hat we're always interested in collaborating with our customers. Along those lines, I'm curious to learn more about how you're using RHEL. Is Red Hat Enterprise Linux a standard platform that all new work loads are deployed on by default? Is RHEL restricted to certain application loads only (database servers, mail servers, etc)? Are you migrating from another platform to RHEL?
What do you see as the main impediments to greater RHEL deployment? Some customers I work with have mentioned 3rd party software vendor certifications as an issue when deciding to deploy RHEL - particularly with the most recently released versions of RHEL. Are there other issues that inhibit greater adoption in your organization?
Let us know how you use our products and what your pain points are or your success stories. We'd love the feedback and the opportunity to discuss these things with our customers in the new Online User Groups!