RHCSA exam preparation

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I'm getting ready to get RHCSA certification and I have some questions about the / etc / fstab file and the xfs and ext4 mount:
here I speak on the 5th column and the 6th:

  • if in the exam the question does not raise these options; that is to say the question said to make the assembly persist; do I have to modify these fields? or leave them at 0 0

  • in documentation 134 we have: The fifth field is used by the dump command to back up the device. Other backup applications do
    not usually use this field.
    whereas in the lvm exercises he used 1 in the 5th column and an xfs partion ?? do you have any explanation?

  • for that, I do not know what to do and I am afraid of losing points
    in these questions, please help me
