How to implement master component on Openshift
Need to clustered routes on Openshift for fail-over cases.
Even try article below,
Camel Master needs,
cluster: file: enabled: true id: ${random.uuid} root: ${}
configuration in application.yml.
With cluster.file, all instances create or already created camel route file in folder and check lock status. If the file already locked by any instance, master works and the other instances located stand-by.
But, every Openshift pods create own files into own container's folder.
However we can create external stash and give directions into, it seems not ideal for our point.
Thinking remove cluster.file dependency and wrong configuration in the project.
With and without this, I tried ZooKeeper and Kubernetes dependencies for integration. Every time project throw:
org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException: Failed to create route clustered-1: Route(clustered-1)[From[master:fuse-nodes-1:timer://tTimer... because of Failed to resolve endpoint: master://fuse-nodes-1:timer://tTimer?period=5000 due to: Cannot auto create component: master
exception while initializing.
Any suggestion or guide article advice?
Thanks for all help.
Best regards.