Tried to connect 4 registered red hat servers with insights, all failed (401 Unauthorized Missing Authentication)
I logged into cockpit on a rhel 8 server, and was encouraged to sign up to red hat insights
So this happens: (on every server tried)
[root@kangal ~]# subscription-manager status
System Status Details
Overall Status: Current
System Purpose Status: Matched
[root@kangal ~]# insights-client --register
You successfully registered b662dc48-4089-4e2a-a735-e969d0b536a5 to account 6264200.
Successfully registered host
Automatic scheduling for Insights has been enabled.
Starting to collect Insights data for
Uploading Insights data.
Upload archive failed with status code 401
Upload attempt 1 of 1 failed! Status Code: 401
All attempts to upload have failed!
Please see /var/log/insights-client/insights-client.log for additional information
Upload failed.
Here is the relevant snippet of the log specified above:
2021-03-17 15:19:21,285 DEBUG insights.client.utilities Found /etc/insights-client/machine-id
2021-03-17 15:19:21,285 DEBUG insights.client.connection Uploading /var/tmp/wzeiv7m6/ to
2021-03-17 15:19:21,285 NETWORK insights.client.connection POST
2021-03-17 15:19:22,349 NETWORK insights.client.connection Upload status: 401 Unauthorized Missing Authentication
2021-03-17 15:19:22,349 ERROR insights.client.connection Upload archive failed with status code 401
2021-03-17 15:19:22,349 ERROR insights.client.client Upload attempt 1 of 1 failed! Status Code: 401
2021-03-17 15:19:22,349 ERROR insights.client.client All attempts to upload have failed!