RHEL 8 not booting into GUI mode

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I installed RHEL 8 in GUI mode at the time installation. Afterwards, I deleted xorg* packages, then the machine had gone into Text mode.

yum remove xorg*

Again, I installed GUI packages using by following the

yum groupinstall "Server with GUI"

and set it to graphical

systemctl set-default graphical.target and rebooted the machine.

But, system is not booing into GUI mode after reboot.
When I open /etc/inittab , I see first line "inittab is no longer used."

What is the best file location that RHEL 8 uses to set the runlevel 3 to 5.
Did I miss anything here?
What I need to do to make GUI is the default login.
Please help me. - Thank you in advance.
