(Red Hat says channel to be released May 16th) rhel 8.0, Resolution=ansible repository was delayed.
Update This issue is now resolved. See Christian Labisch's comments. In short, the Ansible repository was delayed to be available after the GA of RHEL 8. .
I've got a fresh load of RHEL 8.0 (not beta). I registered the system with Red Hat, properly attached the entitlement (developer's suite).
I was wanting to install ansible (not tower) and used the usual subscription-manager commands and tried these:
subscription-manager repos --enable ansible-2.8-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-8-for-x86_64-supplementary-rpms
Yet neither of these provided the rpm ansible for rhel 8.
I did an rpm search as well, and easily found the rhel7 anisble rpm, but not the rhel8 ansible rpm.
Has anyone crossed this bridge and know what repository for rhel 8.0 (not beta) to attach to a system to have ansible available?