Kiosk Mode and Single Application Mode
Hello to everyone
Few wweks ago i tried to install a RedHat 7 Workstation as Kiosk mode following the guide:
But it didn't worked at all, i just copied the configuration file but i was unable to login.
Actually my goal is to set up a workstation where only one application can run so i try also this guide:
That i think RHEL has modified lately and it works, but instead to run gedit i need to run google-earth
Can you tell me what i have to modify?
i've tried to modify the file /usr/bin/redhat-kiosk
gedit ~/.local/bin/redhat-kiosk
like below:
#!/bin/sh if [ ! -e ~/.local/bin/redhat-kiosk ]; then mkdir -p ~/.local/bin ~/.config cat > ~/.local/bin/redhat-kiosk #!/bin/sh while true; do /user/bin/google-earth-pro done chmod +x ~/.local/bin/redhat-kiosk touch ~/.config/gnome-initial-setup-done fi exec ~/.local/bin/redhat-kiosk "$@" #
but it didn't worked, what i have to change to make it work?
Thanks in Advance