Change ipmitool timeouts in undercloud ironic (RHOSP 16.1)
the ironic conductor triggers an ipmitool command almost every 1 sec since the respond from the server's BMC takes "longer" than 1 sec. I took a look in the /var/log/containers/ironic/ironic-conductor.log and can see the ipmitool command issued:
Command: ipmitool -I lanplus -H XX.XX.XX.XX -L ADMINISTRATOR -p 623 -U admin -R 1 -N 1 -f /tmp/tmpa3l0iz8_ power status
Exit code: 1
The problem here is the -R & -N parameters, which are 1 sec here. If I execute the same ipmitool from the command line against the same server's BMC then I get also an error. If I increase the -N to "2" and execute the following ipmitool command from CLI:
ipmitool -I lanplus -H XX.XX.XX.XX -L ADMINISTRATOR -p 623 -U admin -R 1 -N 2 -P XXXXXXXX power status
then I get the power state returned and exit code equal 0.
I logged in the ironic_conductor container:
sudo podman exec -ti ironic_conductor /bin/bash
and added in [ipmi] within the /etc/ironic/ironic.conf:
retry_timeout = 2
I was expecting that the retry_timeout (as described in would reflect the -N parameter of the ipmitool triggered by the ironic-conductor. But that was not the case...
My can I permanently change the the -R & -N parameters of the ipmitool command that is triggered by ironic in the undercloud?