Question on Numerical or Int-Based Conditionals [ANSWERED]

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So, I'm trying to make a playbook-block only execute if a given RPM is less than a specific major version. Capture my RPM information to a JSON struct by registering the output to a variable, like:

- name: Check installed CUDA version
  register: cuda_pkginfo

I then set a when conditional on a block of directives. I've tried various iterations of my conditional.

    cuda_pkginfo.results[0].version.split('.')[0] < 11

Which, when the RPM version is 10.x returns the string-value of "10", while:

    cuda_pkginfo.results[0].version.split('.')[0]|int < 11

Even though I attempt to cast-to-int (via the |int Jinja-filter), the LHS part of the evaluation is getting treated as a string rather than a number.

In either case it causes the < evaluation to always return true (LHS is < the numerical-value "11").

Anyone know how to ensure that my LHS is a numerical value so that it can correctly be evaluated against an numberical RHS value?
