Desktop... or Workstation... or Client... RHEL 6
A bit disappointed at the moment. I want to run RHEL 6 on my desktop (I still can't be as productive using Fedora yet...) and I can't figure out which subscription would be the best option.
I first looked here:
But.. the descriptions were somewhat vague.
so, I click on one of the titles which took me to a compare page:
Which introduced another version?
Does anyone have a handle on whether $49/yr (desktop) subscription would work for a single proc desktop and what the downfall would be?
Or - do I need to "upgrade" to the $149/yr (workstation) subscription?
Thanks in adavnce!
Another option I could use an available Server subscription on my desktop, but I can't figure out what I would be missing then. I assume things like Evolution, OpenOffice, etc.. are not included?