• Comments
  • minimal installation

    Posted on

    I just checked out the rhel 7.4 for a customer project where he requested a minimal setup for a virtualized server. The target is not defined so we setup nothing.

    I used minimal to have the minimla necessary things. I though we'll have a few packages but doesnt. There are around 1GB.

    May be minimal-minimal should be prepared and the package selection afterwards possible.

    I just uninstalled a couple of things and my server still works fine.
    yum uninstall NetworkMana* plymouth* alsa* postfix* iwlfirm aic94xx-firmware* btrfs-pro* ivtv-firmwar* wpasupp
    WPA, Wifi and so on not necessary for servers. Plymouth is useless for headless servers and the NetworkManager too.

    But the more crazy things are the leftovers.
    84 MB for locales I havent selected
    30 MB for backgrounds I'll never see without plymouth or X stuff.
    130MB for firmware which wasnt detected during setup + startup.

    So my hope would be to get an minimal-minimal or a free package (group) selection




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