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  • Comments
  • Updates to Terms and Conditions

    Posted on

    Hello Community.

    I wanted to call your attention to a recent update to the Red Hat Training + Certification terms and conditions:

    There were several changes around our Online Training and Learning Subscription offerings, but the updates were mostly adding more explict definition based on questions you all have asked.

    As I mentioned in the lab culling thread, one new change is around our retention of unused lab environments. Over the next few weeks, we'll be moving to a retention policy of removing labs that have not been used in 90 days. As mentioned on the Lab Culling thread, we had a lab outage caused by the volume of lab environments we carry. For some time our cloud provider had been asking us to trim that volume and it reached a tipping point for them. I'm continuing to work with them to increase their capacity, but moving to this retention period will allow for additional time for them to make the needed upgrades to their API infrastructure to accommodate our (and your) growth.

    Another update is I asked to have a section added about content management. About a year ago, we retired a couple of classes which were out of date and that were not going to be receiving further revisions. Some of the content from these courses were added to updated or newly released classes. However, several users expressed concern over these catalog changes; specifically that we were removing classes from the catalog. In the last 2 weeks we've added an updated Ceph course, a new middleware class, and, today, a new class on Red Hat Identity Management. Our goal is to add, significantly revise, or add additional modalities at a rate of 50% year over year. Last year we exceeded that goal, we're well on our way again this year. It is never my, or Red Hat's intent to deprive users of content, however, if content is outdated or no longer correct (compared with current revisions of Red Hat's products or recommended configuration or usage), we would rather stop distributing that content than continue to have people consume it. I think our history of providing far more content than we retire best demonstrates our intent in this area.

    A month or so ago, we added a new feature to Online Training modality courses that users can download a watermarked PDF formatted e-book of the course materials. At the time of the release, I noted the limitations on this feature in the release notes thread (for RHLS-Subscribers no more than one new PDF generated per day, a limit of 10 PDFs generated per year). We also had an article about this in the Subscriber Newsletter, but some users were still surprised when they reached the limits. We'll be updating the information messages for the feature to also include information on the limitations, but we also wanted to explicitly identify these in the product Terms and Conditions.

    Please feel free to post questions on this thread if you would like additional insight into any of the updates, but I think the three above are likely the most impactful to Online Training users.


    Scott McBrien
    Principle Product Manger, Red Hat Online Training
    Red Hat Certified Architect, Level VI (100-000-264)




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