rhn.system.custom_info Not evaluated in config file

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I can't seem to get custom macro's working in a config file.

  • Trying to use rhn.system.custom_info macro in a config file say . /etc/configfile
  • I created a key in "Custom System Info Keys" mine is "coast" for east or west.
  • I applied the config to a "System Group" called WEST-COAST that has the target systems in it in "System Set Manager|Groups" and gave it "west" as a value.
  • When I go back to "Custom System Info Keys" and select my Key "coast" I see the systems that have the key and the "west" value is populated.
  • I created a custom config file /etc/configfile for my configuration channel containing .
{| rhn.system.hostname |}
{@ rhn.system.custom_info(coast) = 'east' @}
{@ rhn.system.custom_info(support) @}
{| rhn.system.hostname |}

The resulting file has the correct hostname at the head and tail but the custom macros are not getting evaluated.

*bash> rhncfg-client  get /etc/configfile; cat  /etc/configfile 
{@ rhn.system.custom_info(coast) = 'east' @}
{@ rhn.system.custom_info(PCI) @}
{@ rhn.system.custom_info(support) @}

Am I missing something? Anyone have any pointers I would appreciate it.

