JB421 - Not found resources for guided exercise
Section 1.2: Guided Exercise: Journaling Incoming Transactions
Resources table describes, that I should have (where? why? wtf???):
Files: /home/student/labs/journal-transact
Sample data: /home/student/data/orders
Solution: /home/student/solutions/journal-transact
File component reference: http://content.example.com/fuse6.3/x86_64/cameldoc/file2.html
What's the magical way to obtain /home/student/labs/journal-transact? Where should I find it or download it?
Where should I found all that resources at all?
Procedure 1.1 Steps:
Import the starter project.
Click File → Import. Select Maven → Existing Maven Projects and then click Next.
Click Browse next to the Root Directory field and browse to the /home/student/JB421/labs/journal-transact folder.
Yeah, guys, I just have "message-files" from very first exercise (Section 1.1: Reading and Writing Files).
Second question. Do I really have a limit for 80 hours of working with lab machines? What?!
Third question. Do I have some way to use my own machine instead of yours for exercises? I can understand, why can I need it for exams, but for ordinary exercises I do not want to have my eyes bleeding watching your VM/VDI on my 4K monitor.
P.S. Please, guys, look at MongoDB University and copy their learning courses infrastructure - they are awesome.