atomic base image subscription

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I'm trying to test out the 'minimal' atomic base images. However I can see no way to install packages on them.

If I try 'microdnf update' I get this:

bash-4.2# microdnf update
(process:10): librhsm-WARNING **: Found 0 entitlement certificates
(process:10): librhsm-WARNING **: Found 0 entitlement certificates
Nothing to do.

Subscription manager doesn't seem to exist:

bash-4.2# subscription-manager
bash: subscription-manager: command not found

..nor do the 'atomic' commands:

bash-4.2# atomic
bash: atomic: command not found

If I try what the documentation suggests that doesn't work either:

bash-4.2# microdnf install httpd --enablerepo=rhel-7-server-rpms && \
>     microdnf update; microdnf clean all
(process:14): librhsm-WARNING **: Found 0 entitlement certificates
(process:14): librhsm-WARNING **: Found 0 entitlement certificates
error: (--enablerepo) repo rhel-7-server-rpms not found
(process:16): librhsm-WARNING **: Found 0 entitlement certificates
(process:16): librhsm-WARNING **: Found 0 entitlement certificates

I have a developer subscription/account - how is one to go about using these images?
