Is it possible to block a specific version of an update from being synced at the Satellite server end (not the client)
We have an issue with a specific version of a package and want to exclude it from being synced on the nightly satellite-sync job. Is this possible? Ideally we'd like to ignore this specific release and stick at the previous release, so that patching status still shows as updated on clients
Some more detail
Package version we want to exclude in question is: osad-5.11.63-11 , this has a problem (we've asked RH support to investigate but that's a whole other story!)
We'd like to stick to the previous working (for us) version: osad-5.11.44-10
We're already aware of the "exclude= " entry in /etc/yum.conf but this requires updating all the clients, something we are not keen to do given the scope of the issue - would it be possible to achieve the same result on the Satellite server itself?