Advisory Notifications daily digests

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Hello folks,

I subscribed in Customer Portal to get the "Red Hat Advisory Notifications daily digest". Usually I got an email which contains the advisories that were published on the day before. But in the last weeks I got mails with information to advisories that were published quite some time ago. These mails obviously did not contain any new information. Do someone experience the same?

For example, on Dec 15th I received mail with information regarding the following advisories:
* 2016-11-03 RHSA-2016:2610 Moderate: systemd security and bug fix update
* 2016-11-03 RHBA-2016:2611 selinux-policy bug fix update
* 2016-11-03 RHBA-2016:2612 java-1.8.0-openjdk bug fix update
* 2016-11-03 RHBA-2016:2613 lvm2 bug fix update
* 2016-11-03 RHSA-2016:2615 Important: bind security update
* 2016-11-09 RHBA-2016:2698 systemd bug fix update
* 2016-12-06 RHBA-2016:2858 bash bug fix update
* 2016-12-06 RHBA-2016:2863 ipa bug fix update

But none of these advisories was upated since it was issued. And for all of these I received information in a daily digest the day after they were issued.

Also when I checked my machines (which were last updated a week ago) they do not show any new advisory available to install.

Does it happen from time to time that Red Hat sends these notifications which does not contain any new information? Or did I miss something?
