/dev/tty: no such device or address
Trying to bring Microstrategy IntelligenceServer up on reboot. it needs to be owned by user "mstrsys". The startup script has a variable
"MSTR_SERVICE_RUN_AS_USER" that can be set to "mstrsys". When that is set, start script does a "su mstrsys 2>/dev/tty -c " to execute the MSTR_SERVICE_START_COMMAND as user mstrsys. Startup fails with error message "/dev/tty: no such device or address". When I leave the variable "MSTR_SERVICE_RUN_AS_USER" and allow the script to run as root, it just runs the MSTR_SERVICE_START_COMMAND as root and it comes up fine. Problem is that user mstrsys can't manipulate service when it is owned by root.
I can run it fine as root from the command line as root with the MSTR_SERVICE_RUN_AS_USER set to mstrsys and it comes up owned by user mstrsys. It only fails when MSTR_SERVICE_RUN_AS_USER is set during reboot. Any ideas?