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    Snippets not expanding

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    I have some situations where kickstart snippets are not expanding.
    I have a kickstart script redhat-register with the Template checked:

    echo "redhat-register"
    echo "my-redhat-reg"
    echo "root-ssh-keys"

    The subject code in the generated kickstart file is as follows:
    %post --log /root/ks-post.log.3
    echo "redhat-register"

    begin Red Hat management server registration

    mkdir -p /usr/share/rhn/
    wget http://llrhna01.ccci.org/pub/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT -O /usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT

    perl -npe 's/RHNS-CA-CERT/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT/g' -i /etc/sysconfig/rhn/*

    rhnreg_ks --serverUrl=https://llrhna01.ccci.org/XMLRPC --sslCACert=/usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT --activationkey=1-f98a7e024eec304590aafaece9ef4a81

    end Red Hat management server registration

    echo "my-redhat-reg"
    echo "root-ssh-keys"
    set -x -v

    The files are:

    [root@llrhna01 ~]# ls /var/lib/cobbler/snippets/redhat_register
    [root@llrhna01 ~]# ls /var/lib/cobbler/snippets/spacewalk/1/my-redhat-reg
    [root@llrhna01 ~]# ls /var/lib/cobbler/snippets/spacewalk/1/root-ssh-keys
    [root@llrhna01 ~]#

    Note that one of my org snippets expands and the other doesn't.




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