sudo not working for a specific command
Hi Guys,
thanks always for your support. I have a user defined in /etc/sudoers to run specific commands without password
sasowner ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/chown, /bin/chgrp, /bin/chmod, /usr/bin/setfacl, /usr/bin/getfacl, /usr/bin/nfs4_getfacl, /usr/bin/nfs4_setfacl, /bin/find, /bin/rm , /bin/su , /usr/bin/rsync , /usr/bin/ , /usr/bin/ , /usr/bin/du , /usr/sbin/iotop , /bin/ln , /bin/mv
all the mentioned commands work without prompting for password except /bin/ln .
example :
sasowner : > sudo ln me me1 is prompting the user to enter a password
sasowner : > sudo chmod 700 me : runs without asking for password
Also to note, the same above runs in other nodes without any issue.
Your help is truly appreciated.