XML Error Parsing Error for loading theme RHEL
This is for RHEL5.
I'm having to modify the graphical desktop environment based on a STIG Requirement (GEN000402) so that a Login Banner appears for all users. This is the code that I've added to the following file:
<item type="rect" id="custom-dod-banner">
<pos anchor="nw" x="20%" y="10" width="80%" height="100%"/>
<item type="label">
<normal font="Sans Bold 9" color="#ffffff"/>
Insert the "approved text" here based on the character limitations imposed by the system.
Once I've modified this, I'm getting the following on the login screen.
There was an error loading the theme RHEL
XML Parse error reading /usr/share/gdm/themes/RHEL/RHEL.xml
There was an error loading the theme, and the default theme could not be loaded. Attempting to start the standard greeter.
Instead of getting the Red RHEL5 login screen, I get a generic grey box with a bluish
I've looked around online and no solutions. I think the XML code is tagged ok, however I don't have it nested, so I'm not sure if that will be a problem or not.
Any ideas?