XML Error Parsing Error for loading theme RHEL

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This is for RHEL5.

I'm having to modify the graphical desktop environment based on a STIG Requirement (GEN000402) so that a Login Banner appears for all users. This is the code that I've added to the following file:


<item type="rect" id="custom-dod-banner"> <pos anchor="nw" x="20%" y="10" width="80%" height="100%"/> <box> <item type="label"> <normal font="Sans Bold 9" color="#ffffff"/> <text> Insert the "approved text" here based on the character limitations imposed by the system. </text> </item> </box> </item

Once I've modified this, I'm getting the following on the login screen.

 There was an error loading the theme RHEL 
 XML Parse error reading /usr/share/gdm/themes/RHEL/RHEL.xml

 There was an error loading the theme, and the default theme could not be loaded.  Attempting to start the standard greeter.  

Instead of getting the Red RHEL5 login screen, I get a generic grey box with a bluish

I've looked around online and no solutions. I think the XML code is tagged ok, however I don't have it nested, so I'm not sure if that will be a problem or not.

Any ideas?
