Run commands after password change @ login?
RHEL 5.11
I have a situation where our users change their passwords at login, and all user management is done from a sudoer account, which creates users, assigns temporary passwords, and resets passwords as needed... but we also use Symantec Drive Encryption (pgpwde) which is a requirement. Thing is, pgpwde doesn't sync passwords automatically, and does not feature single sign-on for Linux. Because of this, the only way to sync passswords between the two programs is manually.
I firmly believe it's not possible to sync the two passwords via command, due to the fact the passwd is masked, and plain text passwords are not an option.
Yet, here I am, posing this question in hopes I either receive a solution, or confirmation of my assumptions.. So, is there a way for a user to change their password, and have that new password piped in to the next command where the password for their encryption account is changed?
Thanks in advance.