Manually trigger creation of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file

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We are looking to trigger the recreation of the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file under RHEL 6.5 (current patches)

We tried the Red Hat Solution ID# 495013, but it did not work


•You can manually force udev to create the rules file by running the following command:

This command is recommended to trigger the rules file:

# udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=net

Does anyone else know how to trigger the recreation of that file? Sadly the command did not invoke the file... The article mentions nothing of a need to reboot the system, yet this and some of other related rhel 6.5 servers have been rebooted numerous times recently.

Typically, I've seen that file created by default, and is typically automagically created if it is deleted and rebooted. Yet in the case of these servers, it has not been created, even with numerous reboots. We have some servers (rhel 6.5) that apparently have never had that file created.

