13.16. RESTEasy/Spring Integration

13.16.1. RESTEasy/Spring integration


  • Your application must have an existing JAX-WS service and client configuration.

Procedure 13.9. Enable the RESTEasy/Spring integration functionality

  • RESTEasy integrates with Spring 3.0.x.
    Maven users must use the resteasy-spring artifact. Alternatively, the jar is available as a module in JBoss EAP 6.
    RESTEasy comes with its own Spring ContextLoaderListener that registers a RESTEasy specific BeanPostProcessor that processes JAX-RS annotations when a bean is created by a BeanFactory.This means that RESTEasy will automatically scan for @Provider and JAX-RS resource annotations on your bean class and register them as JAX-RS resources.

    Example 13.24. Edit web.xml

    Add the following to your web.xml file to enable the RESTEasy/Spring integration functionality:
    			Archetype Created Web Application
    The SpringContextLoaderListener must be declared after ResteasyBootstrap as it uses ServletContext attributes initialized by it.
For more information regarding RestEasy and Spring integration, see http://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/2.3.7.Final/userguide/html_single/