11.5. Overview of JTA Transactions

11.5.1. About Java Transactions API (JTA)

Java Transactions API (JTA) is part of Java Enterprise Edition specification. It is defined in JSR-907.
Implementation of JTA is done using Transaction manager, which is covered by project Narayana for JBoss EAP application server. Transaction manager allows application to assign various resources, for example, database or JMS brokers, through a single global transaction. The global transaction is referred as XA transaction. Only resources with XA capabilities can be included in a transaction.
In this document, JTA refers to Java Transaction API, this term is used to indicate how the transaction manager processes the transactions. Transaction manager works in JTA transactions mode, the data is shared via memory and transaction context is transferred by remote EJB calls. In JTS mode, the data is shared by sending Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)messages and transaction context is transferred by IIOP calls. Both modes support distribution of transaction over multiple EAP servers.
Annotations is a method for creating and controlling transactions within your code.