Use Interceptors with CDI

Example 10.19. Interceptors without CDI

Without CDI, interceptors have two problems.
  • The bean must specify the interceptor implementation directly.
  • Every bean in the application must specify the full set of interceptors in the correct order. This makes adding or removing interceptors on an application-wide basis time-consuming and error-prone.
@Stateful public class BusinessComponent {

Procedure 10.7. Use interceptors with CDI

  1. Define the interceptor binding type.

    @Target({TYPE, METHOD})
    public @interface Secure {}
  2. Mark the interceptor implementation.

    public class SecurityInterceptor {
      public Object aroundInvoke(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {
        // enforce security ...
        return ctx.proceed();
  3. Use the interceptor in your business code.

    public class AccountManager {
      public boolean transfer(Account a, Account b) {
  4. Enable the interceptor in your deployment, by adding it to META-INF/beans.xml or WEB-INF/beans.xml.

    The interceptors are applied in the order listed.

CDI simplifies your interceptor code and makes it easier to apply to your business code.