JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Component Details

As part of the JBoss® Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP) release process, a number of open source projects have been integrated to form a stable Java™ EE application platform. Here you'll find the JBoss EAP component details for each initial major release.

Open source projects are sourced from various open source communities, like the JBoss Community, Apache Software Foundation, and many others. Some components may have been added or removed for dependency or compatibility purposes, while others may be included as technology previews.

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8

The following components have been integrated into a single distribution for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 8. This integrated Java application platform is fully supported for use in both development and production, according to your corresponding subscription agreement.

Component 8.0.0
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 2.21.0
Apache CXF 4.0.0
Apache CXF XJC-Utils 4.0.0
Apache Log4j API 2.19.0
Apache WSS4J 3.0.0
Apache WSS4J (for WS) 3.0.0
Eclipse Angus Activation 2.0.1
Eclipse Angus Mail 2.0.2
Hibernate Core 6.2.13.Final
Hibernate Envers 6.2.13.Final
Hibernate Infinispan Cache 14.0.17.Final
Hibernate ORM 6.2.13.Final
Hibernate Validator 8.0.0.Final
Infinispan Client Hotrod 14.0.17.Final
IronJacamar (JCA 1.6) 3.0.2.Final
Jackson Annotations 2.15.2
Jackson Core 2.15.2
Jackson Databind 2.15.2
JBeret 2.1.1.Final
JBoss DMR 1.6.1.Final
JBoss EJB Client 5.0.5.Final
JBoss EJB3 EXT API 2.3.0.Final
JBoss Log Manager 2.1.19.Final
JBoss Logging 3.4.3.Final
JBoss Marshalling 2.1.3.SP1
JBoss Metadata 16.0.0.Final
JBoss MSC 1.5.1.Final
JBoss Remoting 5.0.27.SP2
JBoss Remoting3 5.0.27.SP2
JBoss Transactions (Narayana) 6.0.1.Final
JBoss VFS 3.3.0.Final
JBoss WS -----
JBoss WS API 3.0.0.Final
JBoss WS Common 5.0.0.Final
JBoss WS Common Tools 2.1.0.Final
JBoss WS SPI 5.0.0.Final
JBoss WS-CXF 7.0.0.Final
JBoss XNIO 3.8.12.SP2
JGroups 5.2.18.Final
Jose4j 0.9.3
mod_cluster 2.0.1.Final
RESTEasy 6.2.4.Final
SLF4j API 2.0.7
Undertow 2.3.10.SP3
WELD 5.1.2.Final
Wildfly Core 21.0.5.Final
XNIO 3.8.12.SP2

Dependent Components

The following components have been included for dependency purposes only and are not fully supported for production or development as part of a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform subscription:

Component Comments
H2 This component provides default out-of-the-box database functionality for JBoss EAP for evaluation and development use only. H2 is not recommended or supported for production use.

Technology Preview Features

Technology Preview features are listed in the release notes for all 8.x versions of EAP.

Unsupported Features

Component Comments
AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP for Messaging ActiveMQ Artemis has community level support for the AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP protocols. These protocols have not received testing from Red Hat and is not supported by EAP
ActiveMQ Co-located HA Topology ActiveMQ Co-located HA Topology (colocated HA topology defined by "new" way where live is requesting another live server in cluster to create backup server for it)
Active MQ Scale down feature Active MQ Scale down feature
OAuth with RESTEasy Knowledge Article
Jackson API The Jackson 1 libraries are not supported for development or production use in JBoss EAP.
Note: Jackson 2 libraries are supported. For more information, see Does JBoss EAP support the use of Jackson libraries?

Other unsupported features are listed in the release notes for all 8.x versions of EAP.

Deprecated Features/APIs

Deprecated features will not see additional feature development in future versions of EAP, and may not be present in EAP 8. Migration tooling for deprecated APIs will be provided as part of the EAP 8 release to enable users to migrate to new APIs for APIs that have been deprecated or removed. This list of deprecations reflects the currently known list of deprecations and may expand as development of EAP 8 proceeds. This page will be updated as new deprecations are made.

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7

The following components have been integrated into a single distribution for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7. This integrated Java application platform is fully supported for use in both development and production, according to your corresponding subscription agreement.

Component 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1 7.0
ActiveMQ Artemis 2.16.0 2.9.0 2.9.0 1.1.0.SP24
Apache CXF 3.3.9 3.3.7 3.2.12 3.1.16 3.1.10
Apache CXF XJC-Utils 3.3.1 3.3.0 3.2.3 3.0.5 3.0.5
Apache WSS4J (for WS) 2.2.6 2.2.5 2.2.5 2.1.12 2.1.8
Hibernate Core 5.3.20.Final 5.3.20.SP1 5.3.17.Final 5.1.17.Final 5.0.16.Final
Hibernate Envers 5.3.20.Final 5.3.20.SP1 5.3.17.Final 5.1.17.Final 5.0.16.Final
Hibernate Infinispan (2LC) ----- ----- ----- 5.1.17.Final 5.0.16.Final
Hibernate Infinispan Cache 11.0.9.Final 9.4.23.Final 9.3.9.Final ----- -----
Hibernate JPA 2.1 API ----- ----- ----- 1.0.0.Final 1.0.0.Final
Hibernate Validator 6.0.22.Final 6.0.21.Final 6.0.20.Final 5.3.5.Final 5.2.5.Final
Infinispan 11.0.9.Final 9.4.23.Final 9.3.9.Final 8.2.11.Final 8.1.8.Final
IronJacamar (JCA 1.6) 1.4.30.Final 1.4.33.Final 1.4.22.Final 1.4.12.Final 1.3.8.Final
JAXB 2.3.3.b02 2.3.3.b02 2.3.3.b02 2.2.11 2.2.11
JBeret 1.3.7.Final 1.3.8.Final 1.3.5.Final 1.2.7.Final 1.2.1.Final
JBoss DMR 1.5.1.Final 1.5.0.Final 1.5.0.Final 1.4.1.Final 1.3.0.Final
JBoss EJB Client 4.0.39.SP1 4.0.39.SP1 4.0.33.SP1 4.0.12.Final 2.1.8.Final
JBoss EJB3 EXT API 2.3.0.Final 2.3.0.Final 2.2.0.Final 2.2.0.Final 2.2.0.Final
JBoss Logging 3.4.1.Final 3.4.1.Final 3.3.3.Final 3.3.1.Final 3.3.1.Final
JBoss Management Console (HAL) 3.3.2.Final 3.2.15.Final 3.0.23.Final 2.9.19.Final 2.8.30.Final
JBoss Marshalling 2.0.11.Final 2.0.11.Final 2.0.9.Final 2.0.6.Final 1.4.10.Final
JBoss Metadata 13.0.0.Final 13.0.0.Final 12.0.0.Final 10.0.2.Final 10.0.2.Final
JBoss Remoting3 5.0.20.SP1 5.0.23.Final 5.0.18.Final 5.0.8.Final 4.0.25.Final
JBoss SASL ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.0.5.Final
JBoss Security Negotiation 3.0.6.Final 3.0.6.Final 3.0.6.Final 3.0.5.Final 3.0.4.Final
JBoss Transactions (Narayana) 5.11.3.Final 5.9.11.Final 5.9.8.Final 5.5.34.Final 5.2.22.Final
JBoss VFS 3.2.15.Final 3.2.15.Final 3.2.14.Final 3.2.13.Final 3.2.11.Final
JBoss WS API 1.1.2.Final 1.1.2.Final 1.1.2.Final 1.0.3.Final 1.0.3.Final
JBoss WS Common 3.3.3.Final 3.2.3.Final 3.2.3.Final 3.1.7.Final 3.1.5.Final
JBoss WS Common Tools 1.3.2.Final 1.3.2.Final 1.3.2.Final 1.2.4.Final 1.2.3.Final
JBoss WS SPI 3.3.1.Final 3.2.3.Final 3.2.3.Final 3.1.4.Final 3.1.4.Final
JBoss WS-CXF 5.4.2.Final 5.3.0.Final 5.2.4.Final 5.1.11.Final 5.1.8.Final
JBoss XNIO 3.8.4.Final 3.7.12.Final 3.7.6.SP3 3.5.6.Final 3.4.7.Final
JGroups 4.2.11.Final 4.1.10.Final 4.0.20.Final 3.6.14.Final 3.6.12.Final
JPA API ----- ----- 2.2.0 ----- -----
JSF2 2.3.14.SP04 2.3.9.SP13 2.3.5.SP3 2.2.13.SP6 2.2.12.SP4
mod_cluster 1.4.3.Final 1.4.3.Final 1.4.1.Final 1.3.10.Final 1.3.3.Final
Netty (in ActiveMQ Artemis and Inifnispan) 4.1.59.Final 4.1.63.Final 4.1.45.Final 4.1.9.Final 4.0.35.Final
PicketBox 5.0.3.Final 5.0.3.Final 5.0.3.Final 5.0.3.Final 4.9.8.Final
PicketBox Commons 1.0.0.final 1.0.0.final 1.0.0.final 1.0.0.final 1.0.0.final
Picketlink Federation 2.5.5.SP12 2.5.5.SP12 2.5.5.SP12 2.5.5.SP12 2.5.5.SP8
RESTEasy 3.15.1.Final 3.11.4.Final 3.6.1.SP9 3.0.26.Final 3.0.19.SP5
Undertow 2.2.5.Final 2.0.38.SP1 2.0.30.SP4 1.4.18.SP11 1.3.31.Final
WELD 3.1.6.Final 3.1.6.Final 3.0.6.Final 2.4.7.Final 2.3.3.Final
Wildfly Core 15.0.2.Final 10.1.21.Final 6.0.30.Final 3.0.21.Final 2.1.20.Final
Xalan 2.7.1 2.7.1 2.7.1 2.7.1 2.7.1
Xerces 2.12.0.SP03 2.12.0.SP03 2.12.0.SP02 2.11.0.SP5 2.11.0.SP5

Dependent Components

The following components have been included for dependency purposes only and are not fully supported for production or development as part of a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform subscription:

Component Comments
H2 This component provides default out-of-the-box database functionality for JBoss EAP for evaluation and development use only. H2 is not recommended or supported for production use.

Technology Preview Features

Technology Preview features are listed in the release notes for all 7.x versions of EAP.

Unsupported Features

Component Comments
AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP for Messaging ActiveMQ Artemis has community level support for the AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP protocols. These protocols have not received testing from Red Hat and is not supported by EAP
ActiveMQ Co-located HA Topology ActiveMQ Co-located HA Topology (colocated HA topology defined by "new" way where live is requesting another live server in cluster to create backup server for it)
Active MQ Scale down feature Active MQ Scale down feature
Infinispan APIs Prior to EAP 7.4, Infinispan was delivered as a private module in EAP to provide the caching capabilities of EAP. Infinispan is not supported for direct use by application in versions prior to EAP 7.4.
OAuth with RESTEasy Knowledge Article
Jackson API The Jackson 1 libraries are not supported for development or production use in JBoss EAP.
Note: Jackson 2 libraries are supported. For more information, see Does JBoss EAP support the use of Jackson libraries?

Other unsupported features are listed in the release notes for all 7.x versions of EAP.

Deprecated Features/APIs

Deprecated features will not see additional feature development in future versions of EAP, and may not be present in EAP 7. Migration tooling for deprecated APIs will be provided as part of the EAP 7 release to enable users to migrate to new APIs for APIs that have been deprecated or removed. This list of deprecations reflects the currently known list of deprecations and may expand as development of EAP 7 proceeds. This page will be updated as new deprecations are made.

Feature/API Comments
PicketLink Federation
Management using JON The use of Red Hat JBoss Operations Network (JON) for managing JBoss EAP is deprecated.
SAAJ 1.3 JBoss EAP 7.3 will ship with SAAJ 1.4 (default) and 1.3. User defined SOAP Handlers which are not SAAJ 1.4 compliant, should be updated to be compliant as SAAJ 1.3 is deprecated. The system property -Djboss.saaj.api.version=1.3 can be set to restore the SAAJ 1.3 behavior while the SOAP Handler is being updated.

Other deprecated features are listed in this article.

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6

The following components have been integrated into a single distribution for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6. This integrated Java application platform is fully supported for use in both development and production, according to your corresponding subscription agreement.

Component EAP 6.0.0 EAP 6.0.1 EAP 6.1.0 EAP 6.1.1 EAP 6.2.0 EAP 6.3.0 EAP 6.4.0
JBoss AS 7.1.2 Final 7.1.3 Final 7.2.0 Final 7.2.1 Final 7.3.0 Final 7.4.0 Final 7.5.0 Final
WELD 1.1.8.Final 1.1.10.Final 1.1.13.Final 1.1.13.Final 1.1.16.Final 1.1.23.Final 1.1.28.Final
RESTEasy 2.3.3.Final 2.3.4.Final 2.3.6.Final 2.3.6.Final 2.3.7.Final 2.3.8.Final 2.3.10.Final
mod_cluster 1.2.1.Final 1.2.3.Final 1.2.4.Final 1.2.4.Final 1.2.6.Final 1.2.9.Final 1.2.11.Final
Picketlink Federation 2.1.1.Final 2.1.3.Final 2.1.6..Final 2.1.9.Final 2.5.3.Final 2.5.4.SP4
JBoss Modules 1.1.2.Final 1.1.3.Final 1.2.2.Final 1.2.2.Final 1.3.0.Final 1.3.3.Final 1.3.6.Final
JBoss DMR 1.1.1.Final 1.1.1.Final 1.1.6.Final 1.1.6.Final 1.2.0.Final 1.2.0.Final 1.2.2.Final
JBoss Metadata 7.0.3.Final 7.0.4.Final 7.0.8.Final 7.0.8.Final 7.0.8.Final 7.1.0.Final 7.2.1.Final
JBoss XNIO 3.0.4.GA 3.0.7.GA 3.0.7.GA 3.0.7.GA 3.0.7.GA 3.0.10.GA 3.0.13.GA
PicketBox 4.0.9.Final 4.0.14.Final 4.0.17.Final 4.0.17.SP2.Final 4.0.19.SP2.Final 4.0.19 4.1.1.Final
PicketBox Commons 1.0.0.Final 1.0.0.Final 1.0.0.Final 1.0.0.Final 1.0.0.Final 1.0.0.Final 1.0.0.Final
Hibernate Core 4.1.3.Final 4.1.6.Final 4.2.0.Final 4.2.0.SP1.Final 4.2.7.SP1.Final 4.2.14.Final 4.2.18.Final
Hibernate Infinispan (2LC) 4.1.3.Final 4.1.6.Final 4.2.0.Final 4.2.0.SP1.Final 4.2.7.SP1.Final 4.2.12.Final 4.2.18.Final
Hibernate Envers 4.1.3.Final 4.1.6.Final 4.2.0.Final 4.2.0.SP1.Final 4.2.7.SP1.Final 4.2.12.Final 4.2.18.Final
Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Final 4.2.0.Final 4.3.1.Final 4.3.1.Final 4.3.1.Final 4.3.1.Final 4.3.2.Final
Hibernate JPA 2.0 API 1.0.1.Final 1.0.1.Final 1.0.1.Final 1.0.1.Final 1.0.1.Final 1.0.1.Final 1.0.1.Final
JBoss Web 7.0.16.Final 7.0.17.Final 7.2.0.Final 7.2.2.Final 7.2.2.Final 7.4.8.Final 7.5.0.Final
Infinispan 5.1.4.Final 5.1.8.Final 5.2.6.Final 5.2.7.Final 5.2.7.Final 5.2.8.Final 5.2.11.Final
IronJacamar (JCA 1.6) 1.0.11.Final 1.0.13.Final 1.0.17.Final 1.0.19.Final 1.0.23.Final 1.0.26.Final 1.0.31.Final
JGroups 3.0.9.Final 3.0.14.Final 3.2.7.Final 3.2.10.Final 3.2.12.Final 3.2.13.Final 3.2.13.Final
JBoss Transactions 4.16.4.Final 4.16.6.Final 4.17.4.Final 4.17.7.Final 4.17.15.Final 4.17.21.Final 4.17.29.Final
JBoss EJB Client 1.0.10.Final 1.0.11.Final 1.0.21.Final 1.0.23.Final 1.0.24.Final 1.0.25.Final 1.0.30.Final
JBoss EJB3 EXT API 2.0.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 2.1.0 2.1.0 2.1.0
Component EAP 6.0.0 EAP 6.0.1 EAP 6.1.0 EAP 6.1.1 EAP 6.2.0 EAP 6.3.0 EAP 6.4.0
JBoss WS API 1.0.1.GA 1.0.1.GA 1.0.1.GA 1.0.1.GA 1.0.2.GA 1.0.2.GA 1.0.2.GA
JBoss WS SPI 2.0.3.GA 2.0.4.GA 2.1.2.Final 2.1.3.Final 2.2.2.Final 2.3.0.Final 2.3.1.Final
JBoss WS Common 2.0.4.GA 2.0.4.GA 2.1.1.Final 2.1.3.Final 2.2.3.Final 2.3.0.Final 2.3.1.Final
JBoss WS Common Tools 1.0.1.GA 1.0.2.GA 1.1.0.Final 1.1.0.Final 1.2.0.Final 1.2.0.Final 1.2.0.Final
JBoss WS-CXF 4.0.4.GA 4.0.6.GA 4.1.3.Final 4.1.4.Final 4.1.2.Final 4.3.0.Final 4.3.4.Final
JBoss WS-Native (for jaxrpc only) 4.0.4.GA 4.0.6.GA 4.1.1.Final 4.1.1.Final 4.1.2.Final 4.2.0.Final 4.2.0.Final
JBoss VFS 3.1.0.Final 3.1.0.Final 3.1.0.Final 3.1.0.Final 3.2.2.Final 3.2.5.Final 3.2.9.Final
JBoss Remoting3 3.2.8.GA 3.2.14.GA 3.2.16.GA 3.2.16.GA 3.2.18.GA 3.3.1.GA 3.3.4. Final
JBoss Marshalling 1.3.14.GA 1.3.15.GA 1.3.16.GA 1.3.18.GA 1.4.2.GA 1.4.6.GA 1.4.10.Final
JBoss SASL 1.0.1.Final 1.0.3.Final 1.0.3.Final 1.0.3.Final 1.0.3.Final 1.0.4.Final 1.0.5.Final
JSF 1.2_15-b01-redhat-1 1.2_15-b01-redhat-2 1.2_15-b01-redhat-3 1.2_15-b01-redhat-3 1.2_15-b01-redhat-8 1.2_15-b01-redhat-11 1.2_15-b01-redhat-12
JSF2 2.1.7-redhat-1 2.1.13-redhat-1 2.1.19-redhat-1 2.1.19-redhat-1 2.1.19-redhat-2 2.1.28-redhat-3 2.1.28.Final
JacORB 2.3.2-redhat-1 2.3.2-redhat-2 2.3.2-redhat-4 2.3.2-redhat-4 2.3.2-redhat-5 2.3.2-redhat-6 2.3.2-redhat-6
JBoss Security Negotiation 2.2.0.SP1 2.2.1.Final 2.2.5.Final 2.2.5.Final 2.2.6.Final 2.3.3.Final 2.3.6.Final
JBoss Management Console (HAL) 1.3.1.Final 1.4.2.Final 1.5.2.Final 1.5.7.Final 2.0.6.Final 2.2.8.Final 2.5.5.Final
HornetQ 2.2.16.Final 2.2.23.Final 2.3.1.Final 2.3.5.Final 2.3.12.Final 2.3.20.Final 2.3.25.Final
Netty (in HornetQ and Infinispan) 3.2.6.Final 3.2.6.Final 3.6.2.Final 3.6.6.Final 3.6.6.Final 3.6.9.Final 3.6.10.Final
JBoss Logging 3.1.1.GA 3.1.2.GA 3.1.2.GA 3.1.2.GA 3.1.2.GA 3.1.4.GA 3.1.4.GA
Apache CXF 2.4.6-redhat-1 2.4.9-redhat-2 2.6.6-redhat-3 2.6.8-redhat-3 2.7.7-redhat-3 2.7.11-redhat-3 2.7.14-redhat-1
Apache CXF XJC-Utils 2.4.0-redhat-1 2.4.0-redhat-2 2.6.0-redhat-1 2.6.0-redhat-1 2.6.1-redhat-1 2.6.1-redhat-2 2.6.2-redhat-1
Apache WSS4J (for WS) 1.6.5 1.6.7 1.6.9 1.6.10 1.6.12 1.6.15 1.6.17.SP1-redhat-1
Xalan 2.7.1-redhat-1 2.7.1-redhat-3 2.7.1-redhat-4 2.7.1-redhat-4 2.7.1-redhat-4 2.7.1-redhat-7 2.7.1-redhat-7
Xerces 2.9.1-redhat-1 2.9.1-redhat-3 2.9.1-redhat-4 2.9.1-redhat-4 2.9.1-redhat-5 2.9.1-redhat-5 2.9.1-redhat-6
JAXB 2.2.5 2.2.5-redhat-3 2.2.5-redhat-5 2.2.5-redhat-5 2.2.5-redhat-7 2.2.5-redhat-8 2.2.5-redhat-9
Application Platform 6.0.0 Apache Web Server based on Apache 2.2.17 based on Apache 2.2.22 based on Apache 2.2.22 based on Apache 2.2.22 based on Apache 2.2.22 based on Apache 2.2.26 based on Apache 2.2.26

Dependent Components

The following components have been included for dependency purposes only and are not fully supported for production or development as part of a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform subscription:

Component Comments
H2 This component provides default out-of-the-box database functionality for JBoss EAP for evaluation and development use only. H2 is not recommended or supported for production use.

Technology Preview Features

Technology Preview features are listed in the release notes for all 6.x versions of EAP.

Unsupported Features

Component Comments
JBoss OSGi Framework Knowledge Article
OAuth with RESTEasy Knowledge Article
WebSockets in JBoss Web The org.apache.catalina.websockets package of JBoss Web is not supported for development or production use prior to JBoss EAP 6.4. WebSockets is supported in JBoss EAP 6.4 and 7.x for more information see: Knowledge Article
Jackson API The Jackson libraries are not supported for development or production use in JBoss EAP. Knowledge Article
Infinispan APIs Infinispan is delivered as a private module in EAP to provide the caching capabilities of EAP. Infinispan is not supported for direct use by applications
STOMP Protocol with HornetQ HornetQ has community level support for the STOMP protocol. That protocol has not received testing from Red Hat and is not supported by EAP
REST Protocol with HornetQ HornetQ has community level support for the REST protocol. That protocol has not received testing from Red Hat and is not supported by EAP
Graphical installer on HP-UX The EAP graphical installer has not been tested and is not supported on HP-UX
PicketLink Stateless Identity Bean Stateless and Session scoped identity beans were technology preview capabilities in EAP 6.3, but are now deprecated with the rest of PicketLink

Deprecated Features/APIs

Deprecated features will not see additional feature development in future versions of EAP, and may not be present in EAP 7. Migration tooling for deprecated APIs will be provided as part of the EAP 7 release to enable users to migrate to new APIs for APIs that have been deprecated or removed.

This list of deprecations reflects the currently known list of deprecations and may expand as development of EAP 7 proceeds. This page will be updated as new deprecations are made.

Feature/API Comments
JBoss OSGi Framework OSGi was eliminated as a technology preview during the lifecycle of EAP 6 as described in this Knowledge Article. It has been deprecated with the 6.4 release and will be removed from the product with the EAP 7.0 release

The following modules are deprecated and will be eliminated:
PicketLink Federation Picketlink Federation is deprecated with the 6.4 release. It will continue to be shipped with its current capabilities in the EAP 7 release to provide compatibility for existing implementations, but will not be enhanced. Refer to this Knowledge Article for information regarding the replacment for the capabilities of the current PicketLink implementation.
The following modules have been deprecated:
The Infinispan subsystem Deprecated in JBoss EAP 6.4:
The start attribute (which can be EAGER or LAZY) on cache-container and on *-cache (replicated-cache, distributed-cache, etc) is deprecated. Future release will only support on-demand mode (what is now LAZY).
The stack and cluster attributes on the transport resource are deprecated.
The listener-executor, eviction-executor and replication-queue-executor attributes on cache-container are deprecated.
The executor attribute on the transport resource is deprecated.
The JGroups subsystem Deprecated in JBoss EAP 6.4:
The default-stack attribute (on the subsystem's root resource) is deprecated.
The protocols attribute and the add-protocol and remove-protocol operations on the stack resource are deprecated.
The type and properties attributes on the protocol resource are deprecated.
The type, shared and properties attributes on the transport resource are deprecated.
The default-executor, oob-executor, timer-executor and thread-factory attributes on the transport resource are deprecated.
HornetQ Messaging the HornetQ JMS messaging provider is deprecated with the 6.4 release and will be replaced with A-MQ in EAP 7. The org.hornetq module is deprecated but will be present in EAP 7 to retain backwards compatibility. The HornetQ subsystem (/subsystem=messaging) will be replaced with a new messaging subsystem
PicketBox The org.picketbox module has been deprecated.
JBoss Web The JBoss Web web server is deprecated and will be replaced with the Undertow web server in EAP 7. The web subsystem (/subsystem=web) will be replaced with a new web subsystem subsystem
EJB Container Managed Persistence (CMP) CMP was pruned from the API list of Java EE 6. Use of CMP is deprecated and will be eliminated with EAP 7.
JacORB JacORB APIs have been deprecated from EAP 6.4 and will be replaced with support for JDK ORB classes in EAP 7. The JacORB subsystem (/subsystem=jacorb) has also been deprecated and will be removed from EAP 7.
Security Subsystem The security subsystem ((/subsystem=security) has been deprecated and will be replaced with a modified security subsystem in EAP 7
Threads Subsystem The threads subsystem ((/subsystem=threads) has been deprecated and will be replaced with a modified threads subsystem in EAP 7
Core Services The following core services management interfaces have been deprecated and will modified, eliminated, or replaced in EAP 7.
Hibernate ORM features The support for JDBC-style parameter declarations in HQL/JPQL queries is deprecated and will be removed in EAP 7.

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5

The following components have been integrated into a single distribution for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5. This integrated Java application platform is fully supported for use in both development and production, according to your corresponding subscription agreement.

Component EAP 5.0.0 EAP 5.1.0 EAP 5.1.1 EAP 5.1.2 EAP 5.2.0
JBoss Application Server 5.1.0.GA 5.1.0.GA 5.1.0.GA 5.1.0.GA 5.2.0.GA
JBoss Microcontainer 2.0.9.GA 2.0.10.GA 2.0.10.GA 2.0.10.GA 2.0.10.GA
Hibernate® Core 3.3.2.GA 3.3.2.GA_CP03 3.3.2.GA_CP04 3.3.2.GA_CP04 3.3.2.GA_CP05
Hibernate Entity Manager 3.4.0.GA 3.4.0.GA_CP03 3.4.0.GA_CP04 3.4.0.GA_CP04 3.4.0.GA_CP05
Hibernate Annotations 3.4.0.GA 3.4.0.GA_CP03 3.4.0.GA_CP04 3.4.0.GA_CP04 3.4.0.GA_CP05
Hibernate Validator 3.1.0.GA 3.1.0.GA 3.1.0.GA 3.1.0.GA 3.1.0.GA
Hibernate Search 3.1.1.GA 3.1.1.GA_CP03 3.1.1.GA_CP04 3.1.1.GA_CP04 3.1.1.GA_CP05
JBoss Web (based on Tomcat 6.0) 2.1.3.GA 2.1.10.GA 2.1.12.GA 2.1.12.GA-patch-01 2.1.13.GA-patch-01
JBoss Cache 3.2.1.GA 3.2.5.GA 3.2.7.GA 3.2.8.GA 3.2.11.GA
JBoss JAXR 2.0.1 2.0.1 2.0.1 2.0.1 2.0.1
JGroups 2.6.13.GA 2.6.16.GA 2.6.19.Final 2.6.20.Final 2.6.22.Final
JBoss EJB3 1.1.18 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.3.8 1.3.9
JBoss Transactions 4.6.1 CP03 4.6.1.GA_CP07 4.6.1.CP11-Patch-01 4.6.1.CP12 4.6.1.CP13
JBoss Web Services (WS) 3.1.2 SP4 3.1.2 SP8 3.1.2.SP9 3.1.2.SP10 3.1.2.SP13
JBoss WS-Native 3.1.2 SP3 3.1.2 SP7 3.1.2.SP10 3.1.2.SP11 3.1.2.SP15
JBoss WS-CXF 3.1.2 3.1.2.SP7 3.1.2.SP8 3.1.2.SP9 3.1.2.SP13
Apache CXF 2.2.2 2.2.6-patch-01 2.2.12-patch-01 2.2.12-patch-02 2.2.12-patch-04
JBoss AOP 2.1.6.GA 2.1.6.CP01 2.1.6.CP02 2.1.6.CP03 2.1.6.CP06
JBoss Remoting 2.5.2 2.5.3.SP1 2.5.4.SP2 2.5.4.SP3 2.5.4.SP4
JBoss Serialization 1.0.3.GA 1.0.4.FINAL 1.0.5.FINAL 1.0.5.FINAL 1.0.5.FINAL
JSF 1.2_13 1.2_13 1.2_13 1.2_13-patch-01 1.2_13-patch-01
JacORB 2.3.1.jboss.patch1 2.3.1.jboss.patch1 2.3.1.jboss-patch-02 2.3.2.jboss-patch-03 2.3.2.jboss-1
JPA 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.2.GA
JBoss Security 2.0.4.SP1 2.0.4.SP4 2.0.4.SP7 2.0.4.SP8 2.0.5.SP3-1
JBoss Negotiation 2.0.3 SP1 2.0.3 SP3 2.0.3 SP3 2.0.3 SP3 2.1.3.GA
Xalan 2.7.1.patch02 2.7.1.patch02 2.7.1.patch04 2.7.1.patch05 2.7.1.patch05
Xerces 2.9.1-patch-01 2.9.1-patch-01 2.9.1-patch-01 2.9.1-patch-01 2.9.1-patch-02
JAXB 2.1.9.patch01 2.1.12.patch01 2.1.12.patch01 2.1.12-patch-02 2.1.12-patch-03
Seam 2.2.0.EAP5 2.2.2.EAP5 2.2.4.EAP5 2.2.5.EAP5 2.2.6.EAP5
RichFaces 3.3.1.GA 3.3.1.SP2 3.3.1.SP3 3.3.1.SP3 3.3.1.SP3
JBoss Admin Console 1.3.2.GA 1.3.4.SP1 1.3.4.SP4 1.3.4.SP5 1.3.4.SP6
JBoss Messaging 1.4.6 1.4.7.GA 1.4.8.SP1 1.4.8.SP5 1.4.8.SP9
HornetQ     2.2.5.GA (TP) 2.2.10.GA 2.2.24.EAP_GA
mod_jk 1.2.28 1.2.30 1.2.31 1.2.31 1.2.31
mod_cluster 1.0.2.GA 1.0.4.GA 1.0.10.GA_CP01 1.0.10.GA_CP02 1.0.10.GA_CP04
JBoss RESTEasy 1.1.CP01 1.2.1 1.2.1.GA_CP01 1.2.1.GA_CP02 1.2.1.GA_CP02_patch02
JBoss Native 2.0.6 2.0.6 2.0.6 2.0.6 2.0.6
PicketLink Federation   1.0.3 1.0.3 2.0.2 2.1.5.Final
Netty   3.2.1.Final 3.2.3.Final 3.2.3.Final 3.2.5.Final

Dependent Components

The following components have been included for dependency purposes only and are not fully supported for production or development as part of a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform subscription:

Component Comments
Quartz Job Scheduler The Quartz Job Scheduler is used internally by the Java EE Timer Service and Seam Asynchronous methods with the Quartz Dispatcher. It is only supported within these contexts.
JBoss jBPM 3.2 (jPDL) This item is required to implement pageflow features for JBoss Seam, so the use of this component is only supported within this context.

JBoss Rules 5 (Drools)

This item is required to implement rule-based security features for JBoss Seam, so the use of this component is only supported within this context.
Hypersonic SQL This component provides default out-of-the-box database functionality for JBoss EAP for evaluation and development use only. Hypersonic SQL is not recommended or supported for production use.

Technology Preview Components

Some features in JBoss EAP 5 are provided as technology preview. This means that while these components have been included in JBoss EAP, they're not considered functionally complete and are not suitable for production use. So they're supported in development (according to your corresponding subscription agreement) but not recommended or supported for production use.

These components are included as a customer convenience and to provide the components' features with wider exposure. Customers are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions for a technology preview feature before it becomes fully supported. Red Hat® intends to fully support technology preview features in a future release.

Component Comments
JBoss Web Services CXF The JBoss Web Services CXF web stack is a tech preview in JBoss EAP 5.0.1, and fully supported in JBoss EAP 5.1.0 and later versions.
PicketLink Federation (Tech Preview) PicketLink Federation is a tech preview in JBoss EAP 5.1.1
HornetQ Message Broker HornetQ is a tech preview in JBoss EAP 5.1.1.

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.3

The following components have been integrated into a single distribution for JBoss EAP 4.3. This integrated Java application platform is fully supported for use in both development and production, according to your corresponding subscription agreement.

Component Version
JBoss Application Server 4.2.1 with various updates, component upgrades, and bug fixes
Hibernate 3.2.4 SP1 CP01
Hibernate Entity Manager 3.2.1
Hibernate Annotations 3.2.1 GA patch01
JBoss Seam 1.2.1 JBPAPP_4_3_0_GA
JBoss Web (embedded Tomcat 6.0) 2.0.0 GA CP05
JBoss Cache 1.4.1 SP8 patch02
JGroups (for caching and clustering) 2.4.1 SP4
JBoss Messaging 1.4.0 SP3 CP01
JBoss Transactions 4.2.3 SP5
JBoss Web Services (JBossWS) 2.0.1 SP2
JBossXB 1.0.0 SP1
JBoss AOP 1.5.5
JBoss Remoting 2.2.2 SP4
JBoss Serialization 1.0.3
JacORB 2.3.0 jboss.patch5

Excluded Elements

The following subcomponents or features have been removed from JBoss EAP 4.3:

Component Removed item Comments
JBoss Web 2.0 The Apache Portable Runtime and native IO elements have been removed. This item is expected to be included in JBoss EAP 5.0.

Dependent Components

The following components have been included for dependency purposes only and are not fully supported for production or development as part of a JBoss EAP subscription.

Component Comments
Quartz Job Scheduler Quartz Job Scheduler is used internally by the Java EE Timer Service and is only supported within this context.
JBoss jBPM 3.1.4 (jPDL) This item is required to implement pageflow features for JBoss Seam, so the use of this component is only supported within this context.
JBoss Rules 3.2.1 (Drools) This item is required to implement rule-based security features for JBoss Seam, so the use of this component is only supported within this context.
RichFaces 3.0.1 snapshot This item is bundled with JBoss Seam, so the use of this component is only supported within this context.
Ajax4Jsf 1.1.1 snapshot This item is bundled with JBoss Seam, so the use of this component is only supported within this context.
Hypersonic SQL This component provides default out-of-the-box database functionality for JBoss EAP for evaluation and development use only. Hypersonic SQL is not recommended or supported as a production-use database.

Technology Preview Components

There are no features in this release that are considered technology previews.

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.2

The following components have been integrated into a single distribution for JBoss EAP 4.2. This integrated Java application platform is fully supported for use in both development and production, according to your corresponding subscription agreement.

Component Version
JBoss Application Server 4.2.0
Hibernate 3.2.4 SP1
Hibernate Entity Manager 3.2.1
Hibernate Annotations 3.2.1
JBoss Seam 1.2.1
JBoss Web (embedded Tomcat 6.0) 2.0.0
JBoss Cache 1.4.1 SP3
JGroups (for caching and clustering) 2.4.1 SP3
JBossMQ 4.2.0
JBoss Transactions 4.2.3 SP4
JBoss Web Services (JBossWS) 1.2.1
JBoss AOP 1.5.5
JBoss Remoting 2.2.0 SP4
JBoss Serialization 1.0.3

Excluded Elements

The following subcomponents or features have been removed from JBoss EAP 4.2.

Component Removed item Comments
JBoss Web 2.0 The Apache Portable Runtime and native IO elements have been removed. This item is expected to be included in JBoss EAP 5.0.

Dependent Components

The following components have been included for dependency purposes only and are not fully supported for production or development as part of a JBoss EAP subscription.

Component Comments
Quartz Job Scheduler Quartz Job Scheduler is used internally by the Java EE Timer Service and is only supported within this context.
JBoss jBPM 3.1.4 (jPDL) This item is required to implement pageflow features for JBoss Seam, so the use of this component is only supported within this context.
JBoss Rules 3.2.1 (Drools) This item is required to implement rule-based security features for JBoss Seam, so the use of this component is only supported within this context.
Hypersonic SQL This component provides default out-of-the-box database functionality for JBoss EAP for evaluation and development use only. Hypersonic SQL is not recommended or supported as a production-use database.

Technology Preview Components

Some features in JBoss EAP 4.2 are provided as technology previews. This means that while these components have been included in JBoss EAP, they're not considered functionally complete. They're supported in development (according to your corresponding subscription agreement) but are not recommended or supported for production use.

These components are included as a customer convenience and to provide the components' features with wider exposure. Customers are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions for a technology preview feature before it becomes fully supported. Red Hat intends to fully support technology preview features in a future release.

Component Comments
JBoss Web Services (JBossWS) - JAX-WS The JAX-WS functionality within JBossWS is not feature-complete and is therefore not ready for production use. We expect to provide an updated JBossWS component with full JAX-WS support in the JBoss EAP 4.3 and 5.0 releases.

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