2.12.2. ActiveDocs の作成または更新

ActiveDoc が存在しない場合に新しく作成する、または新しい API 定義で既存の ActiveDocs を更新するには、以下を使用します。

3scale activedocs apply <remote> <activedocs_id_or_system_name>

ActiveDocs の更新時に、以下のオプションを使用します。

    -d --description=<value>           Specify the description of the
       --hide                          Specify it to hide the ActiveDocs on
                                       the Developer Portal
    -i --service-id=<value>            Specify the Service ID associated to
                                       the ActiveDocs
       --openapi-spec=<value>          Specify the swagger spec. Can be a
                                       file, an URL or '-' to read from
                                       stdin. This option is mandatory when
                                       applying the ActiveDoc for the first
    -p --publish                       Specify it to publish the ActiveDocs
                                       on the Developer Portal. Otherwise it
                                       will be hidden
    -s --name=<value>                  Specify the name of the ActiveDocs
       --skip-swagger-validations      Specify it to skip validation of the
                                       Swagger specification

Options for ActiveDocs
    -c --config-file=<value>           3scale toolbox configuration file
                                       (default: $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml)
    -h --help                          show help for this command
    -k --insecure                      Proceed and operate even for server
                                       connections otherwise considered
    -v --version                       Prints the version of this command
       --verbose                       Verbose mode