How to transfer subscriptions from one account to another account?

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  • Red Hat Customer Portal
  • Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console


  • How to transfer/move subscriptions from one account to another?


Transfer TYPE I

To transfer subscriptions from one account to another account, if the accounts belong to the same company/legal entity.

  • The Organizational Administrator of account A should send an email to the regional Customer Service team with the contract details that need to be transferred.

Contract details should include :

1. Contract number or Subscription number
2. Quantity being transferred
3. SKU Number
4. Product name
5. Subscription Start date
6. Subscription End date
  • Along with the contract details, the Organizational Administrator of account A should also share their approval to transfer the contract(s) by filling the below transfer verbiage:

I wish to change the ownership of these subscriptions from (Account Number / Log-in ID – XXXX ) , (the "Current Entity") to (Account Number / Log-in ID – XXXXX), (the "New Entity"). I represent that (a) I have the authority to make the ownership change requested on behalf of the New Entity; and (b) the information I have provided herein is true and correct. I understand that the requested transfer will bind New Entity to all terms and conditions of (x) the subscriptions being transferred into the account of New Entity

  • Once the Customer Service team receives the above email with the transfer verbiage from the Organizational Administrator of account A, they will transfer the respective contract to account B if all conditions for the transfer are met.

Transfer TYPE II

To transfer subscriptions from one account to another account, if the accounts do NOT belong to the same company/legal entity.

  1. Organization Administrators (Org Admins) can request an assignment transfer.

  2. An Organizational Administrator will need to email their regional Customer Service team with the following details:

  • Account numbers of both source and destination accounts
  • Physical Address for each company
  • Quantity and contract number(s) of the subscription(s) being transferred
  1. Customer Service team will then verify the accounts and subscriptions that need to be transferred.

  2. After the accounts and subscription details are verified, an Assignment Letter is sent back to both companies involved.

  3. Both companies will need to review the Assignment Letter and have it signed by the C-level executives of both companies, after which they can send it back to Customer Service for further processing.

  4. After receiving the signed Assignment Letter, Customer Service will escalate the request to our Legal and Billing Teams for approval and processing. The approval process can take several business day to complete. Customer Service will send a notification email once the assignment is processed.


  • Although subscriptions can be transferred, open or closed support cases, system profiles and login IDs cannot be transferred between accounts. You will need to re register your systems.
  • Subscriptions cannot be transferred from a corporate account to a personal account as the ownership of subscriptions cannot be transferred from a company to a person

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