Red Hat Training

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17.9. Security Index Modules

ModeShape has pluggable authentication and authorization modules. Several modules are included and configured out-of-the-box, but it is now possible to implement and configure customized authentication and authorization logic. This section describes how these modules work, what's there out-of-the-box, and how to implement and add your own modules.
The AuthenticationProvider interface defines a single method:
public interface AuthenticationProvider {

   * Authenticate the user that is using the supplied credentials. If the supplied
   * credentials are authenticated, this method should construct an ExecutionContext 
   * that reflects the authenticated environment, including the context's valid
   * SecurityContext that will be used for authorization throughout the Session.
   * <p>
   * Note that each provider is handed a map into which it can place name-value 
   * pairs that will be used in the Session attributes of the Session that results
   * from this authentication attempt. ModeShape will ignore any attributes if 
   * this provider does not authenticate the credentials.
   * </p>
   * @param credentials the user's JCR credentials, which may be an 
   *  AnonymousCredentials if authenticating as an anonymous user
   * @param repositoryName the name of the JCR repository; never null
   * @param workspaceName the name of the JCR workspace; never null
   * @param repositoryContext the execution context of the repository, which 
   * may be wrapped by this method
   * @param sessionAttributes the map of name-value pairs that will be placed 
   *  into the Session's attributes; never null
   * @return the execution context for the authenticated user, or null if 
   * this provider could not authenticate the user
  ExecutionContext authenticate( Credentials credentials,
                                 String repositoryName,
                                 String workspaceName,
                                 ExecutionContext repositoryContext,
                                 Map<String,Object> sessionAttributes );

When a client calls one of the Repository login methods, ModeShape calls the authenticate method on each of the AuthenticationProvider implementations registered with the Repository. As soon as one provider returns a non-null ExecutionContext, the caller is authenticated and ModeShape uses that ExecutionContext within the resulting Session .
When the client uses the Session and attempts to perform actions on the content, ModeShape uses the ExecutionContext's SecurityContext to determine whether the user has the necessary privileges. If the SecurityContext object implements the AuthorizationProvider interface, then ModeShape will call the hasPermission(...) method, passing in the ExecutionContext, the repository name, the name of the source used for the repository, the workspace name, the path of the node upon which the actions are being applied, and the array of actions:
public interface AuthorizationProvider {

   * Determine if the supplied execution context has permission for all of the 
   * named actions in the named workspace. If not all actions are allowed, the
   * method returns false.
   * @param context the context in which the subject is performing the 
   *        actions on the supplied workspace
   * @param repositoryName the name of the repository containing the 
   *        workspace content
   * @param repositorySourceName the name of the repository's source
   * @param workspaceName the name of the workspace in which the path exists
   * @param path the path on which the actions are occurring
   * @param actions the list of ModeShapePermissions actions to check
   * @return true if the subject has privilege to perform all of the named 
   *         actions on the content at the supplied path in the
   *         given workspace within the repository, or false otherwise
  boolean hasPermission( ExecutionContext context,
                         String repositoryName,
                         String repositorySourceName,
                         String workspaceName,
                         Path path,
                         String... actions );
If the SecurityContext does not implement AuthorizationProvider, then ModeShape uses role-based authorization by mapping the actions into roles and then for each role calling the SecurityContext.hasRole(...) method on SecurityContext. Only if all of these invocations returns true will the operation be allowed to continue.