Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

17.28. Publish a File Using the REST Client API

// Setup POJOs
Server server = new Server("http://localhost:8080", "username", "password");
Repository repository = new Repository("repositoryName", server);
Workspace workspace = new Workspace("workspaceName", repository);

// Publish
File file = new File("/path/to/file");
IRestClient restClient = new JsonRestClient();
Status status = restClient.publish(workspace, "/workspace/path/", file);

if (status.isError() 
   // Handle error here
Successfully executing the above code results in the creation of a JCR folder node (nt:folder) for each segment of the workspace path (if the folder didn't already exist). Also, a JCR file node (a node with primary type nt:file) is created or updated under the last folder node and the file contents are encoded and uploaded into a child node of that file node.
Refer to the quickstart example in the SOA_ROOT/jboss-as/samples/quickstarts/modeshape_helloworld_publish/ directory.