Red Hat Training

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9.4. Configuring a DDL File Sequencer

  1. Include the relevant libraries

    Include modeshape-sequencer-ddl-VERSION.jar in your application.
  2. Choose one of the following for sequencing configuration

    • Define sequencing configuration based on standard example provided in SOA-ROOT/eds/modeshape/resources/modeshape-config-standard.xml:
      <mode:sequencer jcr:name="DDL File Sequencer" mode:classname="org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.DdlSequencer">
          Sequences DDL files loaded under '/files', extracting the structured abstract syntax tree of the DDL commands and expressions.
          eds-store:default:/files(//(*.ddl[*]))/jcr:content[@jcr:data] => eds-store:default:/sequenced/ddl/$1
    • Configure via org.modeshape.jcr.JcrConfiguration:
      JcrConfiguration config = ...
      config.sequencer("DDL File Sequencer")
            .setDescription("Sequences DDL files loaded under '/files', extracting the structured abstract syntax tree of the DDL commands and expressions.")
      This will use all of the built-in grammars (e.g., "standard", "oracle", "postgres", and "derby"). To specify a different order or subset of the grammars, use the setProperty(...) method. The following example uses the standard grammar followed by the PostgreSQL grammar:
      config.sequencer("DDL File Sequencer")
            .setDescription("Sequences DDL files loaded under '/files', extracting the structured abstract syntax tree of the DDL commands and expressions.")
      To use a custom implementation of DdlParser , use the fully-qualified name of the implementation class (which must have a no-arg constructor) as the name of the grammar:
      config.sequencer("DDL File Sequencer")
            .setDescription("Sequences DDL files loaded under '/files', extracting the structured abstract syntax tree of the DDL commands and expressions.")


    Refer to SOA-ROOT/eds/modeshape/resources/modeshape-config-standard.xml for more information.