AMQ 7 - 7.2.4 Resolved Issues

Updated -

The AMQ 7.2.4 release is now available for download from the Customer Support Portal. AMQ 7.2.4 is a patch release for AMQ 7.2.0 and can be applied as a patch to an existing broker instance or can be used to create new broker instances. Note, AMQ 7 patches are cumulative and include fixes from previous patch releases as noted below.

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ 7.2.4 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-1025 Hawtio console (or its replacement) should implement the latest HTTP security enhancements
ENTMQBR-1061 Exception when using LegacyLDAPSecuritySettingsPlugin
ENTMQBR-1167 CVE-2018-1000129 jolokia-core: jolokia: Cross site scripting in the HTTP servlet [amq-7]
ENTMQBR-1168 CVE-2018-1000130 jolokia-core: jolokia: JMX proxy mode vulnerable to remote code execution [amq-7.1.0]
ENTMQBR-1169 [AMQ 7, hawtio, large message] Sending very large messages through hawtio results in - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't write records bigger than the bufferSize(501760) on the journal
ENTMQBR-1569 [AMQP] sender is not granted credit once space on queue is available
ENTMQBR-1848 "javax.jms.JMSException: Incorrect Routing Type for queue, expecting: ANYCAST" occurs when qpid-jms client consumes a message from a multicast queue as javax.jms.Queue object with FQQN
ENTMQBR-1946 LargeMessage can lead to OOM under load
ENTMQBR-2024 Disabling Advisory generates WARN messages :"Errors occurred during the buffering operation : javax.jms.IllegalStateException: Cannot remove a consumer that had not been registered:" every time the XA recovery happens.
ENTMQBR-2071 WFTXN0001: A transaction is already in progress
ENTMQBR-2074 Retry from DLQ and Expiry Queue is broken on web console (Hawtio)
ENTMQBR-2100 AMQ 7.2.1: under heavy load: org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.paging.cursor.NonExistentPage: Invalid messageNumber passed
ENTMQBR-2117 [AMQ7,Hawtio] Unable to delete queue with single quote from Hawtio console.
ENTMQBR-2177 Allow deleting temporary destination when originating session is closed
ENTMQBR-2178 Missing Implementation-Version attribute in MANIFEST.MF
ENTMQBR-2187 Millions of "Could not locate page transaction" messages in broker log
ENTMQBR-2192 NPE while dropping/failing large messages on paging
ENTMQBR-2220 Apply 'Content Security Policy' HTTP header to Hawtio
ENTMQBR-2226 Remove deprecated JVM options from configuration (JDK9+ compatibility)
ENTMQBR-2264 JMS Producer queueQuery does not work when addressName != queueName
ENTMQBR-2271 Address Latency Impact on Executors
ENTMQBR-2272 PageCursorInfo put into consumedPages when page is deleting
ENTMQBR-2273 Paged large message results in pagingStore sizeInBytes leak when the page is evicted
ENTMQBR-2274 Incorrect Journal filesize calculation where specified size is lest that the block size when using AIO. * If the specified file size is under the fs block size then the resulting file size is 0. Setting it to the block size in this case.
ENTMQBR-2275 Possible NPE during shutdown on backup
ENTMQBR-2276 Error on compacting journal after Java9
ENTMQBR-2297 Deadlock on Paging.checkDepage and Queue.deliver with Topic Subscriptions and Filters

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ 7.2.3 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-956 [AMQ7, AMQP, JMX, DeliveringCount] JMX operation "listDeliveringMessages()” returns empty string when deliveringCount > 0
ENTMQBR-1920 [AMQ 7, BindingsImpl] BindingsImpl.getNextBinding - AMQ224016: Caught exception: java.lang.StackOverflowError
ENTMQBR-1958 Queue preference changes to display columns not persistent through page refresh
ENTMQBR-2004 MSSQL 2016 wrong syntax 'AUTO_INCREMENT' when creating tables
ENTMQBR-2052 Message load balancing off, unable to send messages to queue on other nodes instead of subscribed consumer
ENTMQBR-2055 [Hawtio] console display blank ClientID for the core client.
ENTMQBR-2093 Move ClassLoadingUtil from commons to core-client
ENTMQBR-2114 Duplicate messages when JMS bridge is stopped and restarted
ENTMQBR-2136 org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.actors.OrderedExecutor acquiring huge heap space
ENTMQBR-2190 Core JMS client leaks temporary destination names

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ 7.2.2 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-781 [Error Codes] same Error Code(s) defined in different places with different reasons
ENTMQBR-831 Broker should respond to changes in at run-time
ENTMQBR-882 Standby slave does not announce replication to master when primary slave is down
ENTMQBR-928 No logging for exceptions in the LDAPLoginModule
ENTMQBR-957 Implement a Similar Hawtio Resizing Fix for the Purge / Delete Dialog as Implemented for ENTESB-7304
ENTMQBR-1025 Hawtio console (or its replacement) should implement the latest HTTP security enhancements
ENTMQBR-1054 CVE-2015-5183 A-MQ Console: HTTPOnly and Secure attributes not set on cookies
ENTMQBR-1370 Add 'user' attribute to queue in XML/JMX
ENTMQBR-1496 Allow for management messages to pass the global-max-size limit
ENTMQBR-1699 Cannot set the message content when using ./artemis producer
ENTMQBR-1790 Do not cluster Openwire advisory queues
ENTMQBR-1869 Hawtio console not saving chosen columns in "Artemis" tab, "Queue" subtab
ENTMQBR-1878 [AMQ7, broker shutdown, JMX connector] JVM does not exit if "connector" configured in management-context
ENTMQBR-1880 Hawtio Artemis tab disappears if we use IE
ENTMQBR-1918 [AMQ7, critical-analyzer] add extra detail to output for analysing cause of timeout
ENTMQBR-1921 NPE thrown by core client after failover
ENTMQBR-1923 [AMQ7, ha replication, server.lock] broker appears to hang when server.lock has incorrect file permissions
ENTMQBR-1962 Hawtio RBAC bypassed if Java system properties are set
ENTMQBR-1973 [AMQ7, management notification, SECURITY_PERMISSION_VIOLATION] _AMQ_User property is not set on notification when authentication fails
ENTMQBR-1974 Support masked passwords in management.xml
ENTMQBR-1976 AMQ 7.2 (probable regression): Core-JMS consumer fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException
ENTMQBR-1994 JDBC Journal is not deleting TX records
ENTMQBR-1995 Enabling TRACE-level logging in the broker leads to ConcurrentModificationException and failed operations
ENTMQBR-2005 DB2 throws warning about inability to verify tables
ENTMQBR-2011 Consumer of store-forward internal queues get dropped when syncing large messages
ENTMQBR-2014 AMQ7: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException in broker log
ENTMQBR-2016 Avoid possible double instantiation of properties
ENTMQBR-2017 address routing-type overridden on attaching AMQP sender
ENTMQBR-2020 Track routed and unrouted messages sent to an address
ENTMQBR-2023 Fix Configuration change loss when network Issue
ENTMQBR-2029 [ARTEMIS-2105] Discovery group connectors can delay broker shutdown
ENTMQBR-2034 AMQ7: consuming from the same address using multiple consumers, with AMQP producer and CORE consumer, sometimes fails
ENTMQBR-2035 Netty IndexOutOfBoundsException at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.ensureWritable
ENTMQBR-2039 ARTEMIS-2103 VirtualTopic doesn't work correctly with multiple consumers
ENTMQBR-2040 ARTEMIS-2110 JDBC LeaseLocker repeated renew or renew after aquire can fail in error
ENTMQBR-2042 Cluster connection non-default configuration elements ignored
ENTMQBR-2050 Message sent to JMSReplyTo from old client does not find correct binding
ENTMQBR-2058 NPE in AMQPMessage getPriority
ENTMQBR-2062 [AMQ7, CORE client, consumers] broker not delivering message to consumer after client side exception
ENTMQBR-2081 Openwire client is able to send one more message, when address is full (address policy fail)
ENTMQBR-2086 [AMQ 7, JMS Selectors] JMS Selectors broken in some cases

The following issues have been resolved in the AMQ 7.2.1 release:

ID Component Summary
ENTMQBR-893 Masking of password does not work with login.config
ENTMQBR-928 No logging for exceptions in the LDAPLoginModule
ENTMQBR-958 Provide a tool to replay messages from a csv file
ENTMQBR-969 [AMQP] Test hangs when running qpid-interop-test against Artemis
ENTMQBR-980 [AMQ7, exclusive consumer] add exclusive consumer functionality to AMQ 7
ENTMQBR-1026 AMQ 7 Console - Included JavaScript libraries with 18 known security vulnerabilities [XSS, Arbitrary Script Injection and Object Deserialization]
ENTMQBR-1030 Restrict directory listings of Hawtio within the web server configuration
ENTMQBR-1071 Facilitate the upgrade of Artemis in WF/EAP to align with AMQ Broker product
ENTMQBR-1163 [Artemis 2.x Upgrade] Failover does not work with HTTP conncetors/acceptors
ENTMQBR-1182 Lost message when MDB is resending messages under high load
ENTMQBR-1184 LargeMessage Produced by AMQP Protocol Can Not Be Consumed By AMQP Protocol
ENTMQBR-1497 Openwire client does not honor max-delivery-attempts set on Address
ENTMQBR-1547 Correctly check for queue exists before creating shared queue
ENTMQBR-1548 Implementation of AMQP interceptor is passing a null RemotingConnection reference
ENTMQBR-1569 [AMQP] sender is not granted credit once space on queue is available
ENTMQBR-1606 Output of CLI operations in messaging subsystem's server changed from 7.1
ENTMQBR-1608 [Artemis 2.x upgrade] Broken managed connections after suspending remote broker
ENTMQBR-1610 [Artemis 2.x upgrade] libAIO does not get loaded on RHEL 6 x86_64
ENTMQBR-1614 [Artemis 2.x upgrade] Setting globalThreadPool size on client using system properties is ignored
ENTMQBR-1616 Regression in JMS bridge with network failures tests
ENTMQBR-1617 [Artemis 2.x upgrade] Unexptected crash of server in SOAK test
ENTMQBR-1619 [Artemis upgrade] Artemis creates and use NODE_MANAGER table even though HA is not configured
ENTMQBR-1622 NPE in server log when Artemis trace logging is enabled
ENTMQBR-1623 Redelivery message property in interceptor code
ENTMQBR-1624 [AMQP] sender is not granted credit once space on queue is available
ENTMQBR-1636 Openwire unable to receive larger message (10MB), but not "large"
ENTMQBR-1721 DB2 sending larger message (1MB) crashes the whole server
ENTMQBR-1757 AMQ Broker throws ERROR if we update the address ANYCAST to MULTICAST or vice-versa in broker.xml
ENTMQBR-1765 Leak / Pile-Up of Connections from LDAPLoginModule
ENTMQBR-1819 IndexOutOfBoundsException in JDBC HA scenario
ENTMQBR-1820 LDAPLoginModule should actively detect unauthenticated Bind requests
ENTMQBR-1825 Broker is using 100% core's CPU time if message grouping is used
ENTMQBR-1827 IndexOutOfBoundsException during receiving messages in remote JCA scenario between Artemis 1.5 and 2.x
ENTMQBR-1831 backup broker incorrectly becomes live broker despite IOErrors during data replication
ENTMQBR-1835 Critical IO Error ... when starting Artemis in colocated topology with HA JDBC store
ENTMQBR-1865 Selector LRUCache size exceeds max limit
ENTMQBR-1879 [AMQ7] Catch malformed simple string
ENTMQBR-1881 JMS Client does not throw MessageFormatRuntimeException on malformed body
ENTMQBR-1882 Backwards compatibility issue in JMS Connection Factory prevents RA creating >1 connection when Client ID is set.
ENTMQBR-1922 Config file listings contain illegal syntax
ENTMQBR-1934 [AMQ7, journal, compaction] Compacting may mix up data files orders. Causing data loss.
ENTMQBR-1941 LargeMessage Produced by AMQP Protocol Can Not Be Consumed By AMQP Protocol when consumer connected to different node

Please see the Using AMQ Broker 7.2 guide's CHAPTER 3. UPGRADING YOUR BROKER for instructions on patching an existing AMQ 7.2.0 installation.
