What are the different types of RHEL AMIs available in AWS?

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  • MarketPlace AMI

    • Public images which are available for all Amazon customers.
    • Direct support will be provided by Amazon customer support.
    • Support flow: Customer > Amazon > Red Hat.
    • Gets updates from RHUI.
    • Cannot track/view/move this subscription in Red Hat customer portal.
    • Cannot be used with Red Hat Satellite. (Leads to double billing, gets charged for subscription from Amazon and Red Hat).
    • Default SSH user ec2-user. root user is disabled by default.
    • User pays AWS for both infrastructure & subscription.
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux on AWS Marketplace.
  • Private AMI

    • Not applicable/Same as base AMI from which private AMI is created.
  • Red Hat Gold Image

  • Community AMI

    • Direct Support will be provided by Amazon customer support.
    • Community Images that are branded Red Hat and the Marketplace images are the same, they just have a different experience. You have to pay for the RHEL entitlement to Amazon by the hour. The customer would not have subscriptions in their customer portal account that would reflect the number of instances running in AWS.
  • Custom AMI created from On-premise system (Private AMI)
