How to Locate Red Hat Cloud Access Gold Images on AWS EC2
Red Hat Gold Images are available through Red Hat Cloud Access for customers using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Red Hat Cloud Access is used to migrate qualified Red Hat subscriptions to Red Hat Certified Cloud and Service Providers (CCSPs) including AWS.
Note: Not all subscriptions are eligible for Cloud Access. To learn more about subscription eligibility, get started with Cloud Access.
After completing the enrollment form, a set of AMIs are shared with the AWS account provided based on the subscription(s) specified. The AMIs which are shared with the AWS account specified will be for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host, Red Hat Gluster Storage, or Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform depending on the subscription(s) specified. For all other Red Hat products, start with a RHEL AMI and follow the recommended installation guidelines.
Finding the Red Hat Gold Images in AWS EC2
There are multiple ways to search for and launch Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs in AWS. This includes the EC2 Management Console, AWS CLI, and PowerShell Cmdlet.
The naming convention for the Red Hat AMIs in AWS is as follows:
- Initial GA AMI release: [Red Hat Product]-[Version]-[Virtualization Type]_[Red Hat Release Type]-[Release Date]-[Minor Version Release AMI Iteration]-[Subscription Model]-[EBS Volume Type]
- After the initial GA AMI release: [Red Hat Product]-[Version]-[Virtualization Type]-[Release Date]-[Minor Version Release AMI Iteration]-[Subscription Model]-[EBS Volume Type]
- The Red Hat Gold Images will have the designation of Access in the AMI Name representing the subscription model.
AWS EC2 Management Console
When working in the EC2 Management Console there is a menu item for AMIs under the IMAGES section within the left-side navigation pane. In this view, using the designation of Private images will display the Red Hat Gold Images which have been shared with the AWS account provided during enrollment.
- When in this section of the EC2 Management Console, it is possible to add a filter of Owner : 309956199498 which will limit the displayed AMIs to those which were shared with the AWS account after enrolling in Cloud Access.
- It is also possible to further filter the list of displayed AMIs by adding an additional filter representing different aspects of the AMI Name which Red Hat uses such as AMI Name : RHEL, AMI Name : RHEL-Atomic, AMI Name : 7.3, etc.
If the Launch Instance button is used from the EC2 Dashboard section of the EC2 Management Console, and after selecting My AMIs, the filter Shared with me will filter the listed AMIs to show the Red Hat Gold Images which have been shared with the AWS account provided during enrollment.
- When in this view, adding the search term 309956199498 will filter the list to those AMIs which were shared with the AWS account after enrolling in Cloud Access.
This example command will display all of the RHEL 7.3 AMIs in the US-East-1 region which were shared with the AWS account provided during enrollment in Cloud Access using the AWS CLI. The AWS CLI Command Reference provides additional documentation regarding available options, commands, subcommands, and parameters.
$ aws ec2 describe-images --owners 309956199498 \
> --filters "Name=is-public,Values=false" \
> "Name=name,Values=RHEL*7.3*GA*Access*" \
> --region us-east-1
PowerShell Cmdlet
This example command will display all of the RHEL 7.3 AMIs in the US-East-1 region which were shared with the AWS account provided during enrollment in Clous access using the AWS Tools for Cmdlet. The AWS Tools for Cmdlet Reference provides additional documentation on the PowerShell cmdlets.
PS > Get-EC2Image -Region us-east-1 `
>> -Owner 309956199498 -Filter `
>> @{ Name="name" ; Values="RHEL*7.3*GA*Access*" }
Additional Resources
- Release Notes for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AMIs in AWS EC2
- Red Hat Gluster Storage Deployment Guide for Public Cloud
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host AMI IDs
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host AWS Installation Guide
- Deploying OpenShift Container Platform 3.5 on Amazon Web Services
- Deploying Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform on Amazon EC2
- If it is required to enable EBS encryption on the boot volume of the Red Hat Gold Image, the following AWS documentation provides instruction on how to enable that ability: