What Releases of Red Hat Ansible Engine are Compatible with Red Hat Ansible Tower?

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A subscription to the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform includes Ansible Tower, and support for the Ansible runtime used with Tower. Additionally, customers can create custom automation environments with certain versions of the Ansible runtime for use with Ansible Tower.

This table denotes what releases of Ansible Engine can be used with certain versions of Ansible Tower. Note that these Ansible Engine and Ansible Tower releases may be end of life, even if they can coexist. For more information, see the Ansible Engine and Ansible Tower life cycle pages.

Releases noted with bold are the versions of Ansible Engine that ship with that release.

Ansible Engine Ansible Tower 3.4 Ansible Tower 3.5 Ansible Tower 3.6 Ansible Tower 3.7 Ansible Tower 3.8
2.3 y y y y y
2.4 y y y y y
2.5 y y y y y
2.6 x x y y y
2.7 x x x1 y y
2.8 x x2 x x y
2.9 x x x x

Note that Ansible 2.10/Ansible-base 2.10 is unsupported. See Is Ansible 2.10 fully supported by Red Hat?

x: Fully compatible
y: Only compatible in a custom virtual environment for playbook execution. Not supported for Tower installation or other usage. Note that these versions may be end-of-life for support.

Note on prior releases: Ansible Tower 3.0 supported Ansible 1.9 through 2.3. Ansible Tower 3.1 supported Ansible 2.1 through 2.4. Ansible Tower 3.2 supported Ansible 2.2 through 2.6. Ansible Tower 3.3 supported Ansible 2.3 through 2.7.

  1. Ansible 2.8 or later and RHEL python-cryptography required to configure SSL for RabbitMQ ↩︎

  2. When running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, Ansible 2.8 or later is required. ↩︎
