Red Hat Insights Support Policies

Scope of Coverage -

For applications at are Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings, the standard Red Hat Scope of Coverage continues to apply.

Any reference to on-premise software applies to clientside agents or other deployed, on-premise software. References to configuration apply to both the SaaS platform itself, as well as deployed, on-premise software.

API Scope of Coverage

Any API delivered as part of an application at will be governed by the standard Red Hat Support Policy for scripting frameworks.

Red Hat will assist with specific syntax issues, as well as investigating potential defects in an API. Red Hat will not assist with the creation nor debugging of scripts themselves.

Severity Definitions

Support case severity definitions for applications at conforms to Red Hat standard severity definitions.

Here are example situations for each Severity level. These examples are not inclusive of all potential situations per severity level. Severity level definitions are shared whether the situation is with a specific application or with SaaS platform itself.

Severity 1

“A problem that severely impacts your use of the software in a production environment (such as loss of production data or in which your production systems are not functioning). The situation halts your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.”


  • The SaaS platform at is unavailable
  • A specific application is unavailable
  • Core functionality of the platform or application is unavailable or significantly impacted (for example, if a configuration is unable to be saved, or if expected output from an application is missing)

Severity 2

“A problem where the software is functioning but your use in a production environment is severely reduced. The situation is causing a high impact to portions of your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.”


  • Core functionality is intermittently available
  • Core functionality is available but in an impacted state. For example, a user can manually perform a function but automation via an API is not functioning.
  • Core functionality is available via a workaround but significant business impact is caused
  • Performance cases where sub-optimal performance is having a critical business impact

Severity 3

“A problem that involves partial, non-critical loss of use of the software in a production environment or development environment. For production environments, there is a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function, including by using a procedural workaround. For development environments, where the situation is causing your project to no longer continue or migrate into production.”


  • New features and functionality is impacted, but core functionality remains operational
  • Pre-deployment questions where a user is attempting to deploy new features or functionality but is encountering an issue
  • Performance tuning cases where core functionality is not impacted

Severity 4

“A general usage question, reporting of a documentation error, or recommendation for a future product enhancement or modification. For production environments, there is low-to-no impact on your business or the performance or functionality of your system. For development environments, there is a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function, including by using a procedural workaround.”


  • Questions around API development, in accordance with the Red Hat policy on supporting scripting frameworks
  • General usage questions

SLA Explanation

In general, any reference to Red Hat’s Service Level Agreement with customers relates to Red Hat’s responsiveness to customers as defined.

Browser Compatibility

Red Hat regularly reviews data from web visitors and registered account users to identify which browsers are supported. The Web Standards, feature requirements and development principles that are followed are defined in the Browser Support Policy.