RHEL9: how to mitigate possible Denial of Service due to enabling mitigation for CVE-2024-6387

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
    • openssh-server


  • On RHEL9, applying the mitigation for CVE-2024-6387 makes the service vulnerable to Denial of Service as an attacker could still exhaust all the connections

    LoginGraceTime 0
  • How can I ensure that unsuccessful login taking more than 120 seconds are disconnected automatically?


The fix for CVE-2024-6387 has been released on July 3, 2024 as RHSA-2024:4312 - Security Advisory.
After applying the errata, don't forget to rollback the mitigation by setting LoginGraceTime 120 back to defaults (or your own value).

Workaround if the errata cannot be applied

If installing the fix is not possible yet, install the mitigation and optionally a script running as a cron regularly may be used to automatically disconnect the connections that didn't authenticate for longer than 120 seconds.

  1. Install the close_non_finished_sshd_connections.sh script in attachment into /usr/local/libexec directory

    # cp close_non_finished_sshd_connections.sh /usr/local/libexec
    # chmod +x /usr/local/libexec/close_non_finished_sshd_connections.sh
    # restorecon -Fv /usr/local/libexec/close_non_finished_sshd_connections.sh

    The single argument to the script is the timeout for non-authenticated connections. The default is 120 seconds.
    The script checks if the ssh handlers for incoming connection are either in [accept] state or unknown state (which means the user didn't authenticate yet).
    If the process got started before current time minus the timeout, this likely means no authentication was ever performed.

  2. Create a cron or systemd timer unit executing the script periodically

    Example for running as a cron every 2 minutes:

    # tail -f /etc/crontab
    */2 * * * * root /usr/local/libexec/close_non_finished_sshd_connections.sh

Root Cause

Because LoginGraceTime 0 is used for mitigation, connections that didn't authenticated will remain active, which can potentially lead to resource exhaustion.


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