Why does my Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 guest crash while running in a Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machine?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Machine
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 or 6.5 guests running on a Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machine may crash if the guest is configured with more memory or CPUs than can fit in a single NUMA node.

  • The guest stuck at the very beginning of booting:

Probing EDD (edd-off to disable)... ok                          

... ...

PANIC: early exception 06 rip 10:ffffffff81c4b4ae error 0 cr2 0 


  • To work around this issue, add the boot-time parameter "numa=off" to the kernel line of the virtual guest's grub.conf file to disable NUMA support in the guest. This parameter may cause performance implications for any guest that does not fit into a single NUMA node.

  • The fix had been tracked in private Red Hat Bugzilla bug 979364 and it was closed with a resolution of ERRATA.

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