October 2015 NTP Security Vulnerability Announcement

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • ntp-4.2.6p5


  • NTP Vulnerability Announcement October 21st 2015
Red Hat Security Bugzillas Rated Important

    Bug 1274265 - CVE-2015-7871 - ntp: crypto-NAK symmetric association authentication bypass vulnerability
    Bug 1271070 - (CVE-2015-7704) CVE-2015-7704 - ntp: disabling synchronization via crafted KoD packet

Red Hat Security Bugzillas Rated Moderate

    Bug 1274263 - (CVE-2015-7854) CVE-2015-7854 ntp: password length memory corruption vulnerability
    Bug 1274262 - (CVE-2015-7853) CVE-2015-7853 ntp: reference clock memory corruption vulnerability
    Bug 1274261 - (CVE-2015-7852) CVE-2015-7852 ntp: ntpq atoascii memory corruption vulnerability
    Bug 1274260 - (CVE-2015-7851) CVE-2015-7851 ntp: saveconfig directory traversal vulnerability
    Bug 1274257 - (CVE-2015-7849) CVE-2015-7849 ntp: trusted keys memory corruption vulnerability
    Bug 1274256 - (CVE-2015-7848) CVE-2015-7848 ntp: multiple integer overflow read access violations
    Bug 1274255 - (CVE-2015-7701) CVE-2015-7701 ntp: unspecified slow memory leak in CRYPTO_ASSOC
    Bug 1274184 - (CVE-2015-7705) CVE-2015-7705 ntp: denial of service by trigerring rate limiting on NTP server
    Bug 1274254 - (CVE-2015-7691, CVE-2015-7692, CVE-2015-7702) CVE-2015-7691 CVE-2015-7692 CVE-2015-7702 ntp: incomplete checks in ntp_crypto.c

Red Hat Security Bugzillas Rated Low

    Bug 1274264 - (CVE-2015-7855) CVE-2015-7855 ntp: ASSERT in decodenetnum() on invalid values
    Bug 1274258 - (CVE-2015-7850) CVE-2015-7850 ntp: remote configuration denial of service vulnerability
    Bug 1254547 - (CVE-2015-7703) CVE-2015-7703 ntp: config command can be used to set the pidfile and drift file paths


Red Hat Enterprise Linux are affected by these CVEs.
This issue is addressed in the following updates:

CVE Bugzilla Affected OS Impact Errata Remarks
CVE-2015-7704 Bug 1271070 RHEL7,RHEL6 Important RHSA-2015-1930 ntp-4.2.6p5-5.el6_7.2/ntp-4.2.6p5-19.el7_1.3
CVE-2015-7871 Bug 1274265 Not Affected Important - -
CVE-2015-7854 Bug 1274263 Not Affected Moderate - -
CVE-2015-7853 Bug 1274262 Not Affected Moderate - -
CVE-2015-7852 Bug 1274261 RHEL7,RHEL6,RHEL5 Moderate RHSA-2016:0780 ntp-4.2.6p5-10.el6
CVE-2015-7851 Bug 1274260 Not Affected Moderate - -
CVE-2015-7849 Bug 1274257 Not Affected Moderate - -
CVE-2015-7848 Bug 1274256 Not Affected Moderate - -
CVE-2015-7701 Bug 1274255 RHEL7,RHEL6,RHEL5 Moderate RHSA-2016:0780 ntp-4.2.6p5-10.el6
CVE-2015-7705 Bug 1274184 RHEL7,RHEL6,RHEL5 Moderate Will not fix Mitigation
CVE-2015-7691 Bug 1274254 RHEL7,RHEL6,RHEL5 Moderate RHSA-2016:0780 ntp-4.2.6p5-10.el6
CVE-2015-7692 Bug 1274254 RHEL7,RHEL6,RHEL5 Moderate RHSA-2016:0780 ntp-4.2.6p5-10.el6
CVE-2015-7702 Bug 1274254 RHEL7,RHEL6,RHEL5 Moderate RHSA-2016:0780 ntp-4.2.6p5-10.el6
CVE-2015-7855 Bug 1274264 Not Affected Low - -
CVE-2015-7850 Bug 1274258 RHEL7,RHEL6,RHEL5 Low Will not fix Limited
CVE-2015-7703 Bug 1254547 RHEL6 Low RHSA-2016:0780 ntp-4.2.6p5-10.el6

CVE-2015-7705 : Do not add the "limited" configuration option to any restrict lines in the ntp.conf file.

CVE-2015-7850 : The issue relies on the fact that an attacker could provide a crafted config file that could cause ntpd loop infinitely. Fixing this one case does not prevent the attacker from pointing ntpd to the e.g. /dev/zero file, which would have the same effect. This issue is limited to users who are able to use the :config command.

Root Cause

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