How do I download a package from the "" Customer Portal site?
- Red Hat Customer Portal
- Not able to find a required package on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
- How do I download a specific package from the Customer Portal?
- How can I find out which channel a package is associated with?
- How do I download an rpm package manually?
* Before checking the customer portal for packages, first check if system is registered on RHN/CDN.
The required packages can be downloaded & installed using yum if system is registered on RHN/CDN, eg:.
# yum search glibc
# yum install glibc
* If the system is not registered, or does not have the required repositories, then search for required package on the Customer Portal.
- Go to Customer Download Page and choose Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Choose Product Variant, Version and Architecture then select Packages
- Enter package name in Filter field and wait until search completes
- Now the latest version of package can be downloaded directly via Download Latest or click package name on the left for further details
- On the details page different versions and if applicable architectures can be selected. Different channels, source and debug packages aside the changelog can be found on this page
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