[Archived] Red Hat OpenStack Platform 18 Development Preview 3 Release Notes

Updated -

This document includes information about getting started, prerequisites, and limitations of the Development Preview 3 release of Red Hat OpenStack Platform 18.

IMPORTANT: The Development Preview 3 release is no longer available for deployment and is replaced by the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 Beta release. This article has been update to include a PDF attachment of the archived deployment guide and adoption guide for the Development Preview 3 release.

IMPORTANT: This release replaces the previous Development Preview 2 release. If you need access to the archived Development Preview 2 release notes and deployment guide, use this link: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 18 Development Preview 2 Release Notes

Developer Preview

This is a Developer Preview release. A Developer Preview release contains a preview of the functional set of features that will be included in the next version release of the software. Developer Preview versions are published before all features have been implemented and tested, therefore some features may be absent, incomplete, or not work as expected. Red Hat encourages customers to use the Developer Preview release to provide feedback.

Developer Preview builds have the following constraints and limitations:

  • Production use is not permitted.
  • Installation and use is not eligible for Red Hat production support.
  • Upgrades to, from, or between Developer Preview versions are not supported.

For more information about Developer Preview support scope, see Developer Preview Support Scope - Red Hat Customer Portal.

NOTE: Red Hat OpenStack Platform 18 will be renamed to Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift. However, it might be still referred to as Red Hat OpenStack Platform 18 in related customer portal documents.

What's new in this release

The following features, enhancements, and functionality changes are available in this release:

  • The OpenStack Bare Metal (ironic) Operator is now supported.
  • The OpenStack Key Manager (barbican) Operator is now supported. The Key Manager integration supports image signing and validation in the OpenStack Image (glance) service and encryption of OpenStack Block Storage (cinder) volumes.
  • Open vSwitch with Data Plane Development Kit (OVS-DPDK) and single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) are now supported. For the full list of supported NFV configurations in the Development Preview 3 release, see the article Supported configurations for NFV deployments in Red Hat OpenStack Platform 18.0.
  • The OpenStack Image (glance) service can be configured with OpenStack Block Storage (cinder) service as a back end and also supports the NFS, Fiber Channel, and iSCSI storage protocols.
  • The OpenStack Block Storage (cinder) service and OpenStack Shared File System (manila) service now use a cache to speed up authorization operations.

Known issues

  • Due to an issue in OpenShift Container Platform 4.14 that prevents forwarding on secondary interfaces, if you deploy RHOSO on OCP 4.14 you must manually re-enable forwarding on secondary interfaces:
oc patch network.operator cluster -p 
'{"spec":{"defaultNetwork":{"ovnKubernetesConfig":{"gatewayConfig":{"ipForwarding": "Global"}}}}}' --type=merge
  • Pre-provisioned Compute nodes must be configured to use a 'cloud-admin' user without a password and with root-level access (ansibleUser: root variable is ignored by deployment).

Getting started

To deploy the Developer Preview release, you must contact the Red Hat sales or account team to request the necessary subscriptions.

You install the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) control plane on an existing operational Red Hat Openshift Container Platform (RHOCP) cluster. You perform the control plane installation tasks and all data plane creation tasks on a workstation that has access to the RHOCP cluster.

Preparing, installing, and configuring RHOSP on RHOCP includes the following stages:

  • Planning your Red Hat OpenStack Platform deployment
  • Installing and preparing the Operators
  • Preparing Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for Red Hat OpenStack Platform
  • Creating the control plane
  • Creating the data plane
  • Accessing the data plane
  • Configuring a storage solution for the environment:
    • Configuring Red Hat Ceph Storage as the back end for Red Hat OpenStack Platform storage
    • Configuring a Hyperconverged Infrastructure environment
    • Configuring alternative storage solutions

For more information on the prerequisites and procedures to install and configure RHOSP on RHOCP, see Deploying Red Hat OpenStack Platform 18.0 Development Preview 3 on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

For more information on how to adopt a RHOSP 17.1 overcloud to a RHOSO 18.0 data plane, see Adopting the Red Hat Openstack Platform Data Plane.

Providing feedback

To provide feedback on the Developer Preview release, create an issue in the Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift Jira project, or contact the Red Hat sales or account team that provided you with the necessary subscriptions.

For more information about Developer Preview support scope, see Developer Preview Support Scope - Red Hat Customer Portal.
