Note for known issues on Sierra Forest (SRF) CPU-based systems and their resolutions
Updated -
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4
- Intel Sierra Forrest(SRF) CPU based system
RHEL 9.4 GA is the minimum version required for hardware certification of Intel Sierra Forest processors. However, there are some known issues with the RHEL 9.4 GA kernel. The issues and their resolutions have been clarified in the following kbases:
- System emitting messages "IDXD: user: probe of wq1.0 failed with error -95
- One CPU kernel crashes during iaa_crypto() probe on RHEL 9
- hwmon coretemp driver emits warning adding core NNN failed
- Does RHEL 9 have inbox support for Intel QAT firmware on systems having Intel Sierra Forest processors?
- Does RHEL 9 support the kernel boot config: iommu=pt on systems having Intel Sierra Forest processors?
- kdump fails to generate vmcore on Sierra Forrest(SRF) CPU based system