System emitting messages "IDXD: user: probe of wq1.0 failed with error -95"

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4
  • Systems with Intel Sapphire Rapids or later processor
  • Specifically if the system is booted without scalable mode enabled for the IOMMU.


When the workqueue user sub-driver probes during initialization, it checks to see if SVA is enabled and returns an error, prior to checking whether it is the driver that the workqueue is configured for first. This can result in dozens of messages that are benign, but suggest a lot of errors have taken place on the system.


  • As noted the messages are benign
  • A fix for this is targeted for a future release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

Root Cause

  • workqueue user sub-driver probing order of operations working on SVA first instead of checking for driver name match first.

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