Red Hat build of Quarkus Supported Configurations

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Red Hat build of Quarkus is tested and verified with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and Microsoft® Windows Server. Red Hat provides both production and development support for supported configurations and tested integrations according to your subscription agreement in both physical and virtual environments. [1]

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15.x

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15.x Supported Configurations

Supported Configuration for running Red Hat build of Quarkus on JVM

In order to be running in a supported configuration, Red Hat build of Quarkus must be running in one of the following JVMs and operating systems.

Java Virtual Machine Version Operating System / Platform Chipset Architecture
Red Hat OpenJDK [2] 21 & 17 Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform[6] x86_64
Red Hat OpenJDK [2] 21 Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform[6] Aarch64[9]
Red Hat OpenJDK [2] 21 & 17 Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform[6] s390x[4] & ppc64le[4]
Any Adoptium provided JDK [7] 21 & 17 Linux[8] x86_64
Any Adoptium provided JDK [7] 21 & 17 Windows[8] x86_64
Supported Configuration for running Red Hat build of Quarkus as a native executable

Red Hat build of Quarkus applications that are compiled to a native executable using the Red Hat Build of Quarkus Native builder 23.1 for Java 21 container are covered under Production Support on following operating systems.

Operating System / Platform Chipset Architecture
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform[6] x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform[6] Aarch64

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15.x Tested Configurations

A full range of platform tests have been performed on the following tested configurations using JVM mode.

Operating System / Platform Chipset Architecture Container Image / JVM
OpenShift 4.17, 4.12 x86_64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21 & 17
OpenShift 4.17 Aarch64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21
OpenShift 4.17 IBM Z (s390x) Red Hat OpenJDK 21 & 17
OpenShift 4.17 IBM Power (ppc64le) Red Hat OpenJDK 21 & 17
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 x86_64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21, Red Hat OpenJDK 17, Eclipse Temurin 21, Eclipse Temurin 17
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 Aarch64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21
Windows Server 2022 x86_64 Eclipse Temurin 21 & Eclipse Temurin 17

A full range of platform tests have been performed on the following tested configurations using native mode.

Operating System / Platform Chipset Architecture Container Image
OpenShift 4.17, 4.12 x86_64 Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 Minimal
OpenShift 4.17 Aarch64 Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 Minimal
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 x86_64 N/A
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 Aarch64 N/A

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15.x Serverless tested configuration

A full range of serverless platform tests have been performed on the following tested configurations using JVM mode and Native mode

Serverless Platform Chipset Architecture JVM Container Image Native Container Image
OpenShift Serverless 1.34 on OpenShift 4.17 x86_64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21 Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 Minimal
OpenShift Serverless 1.34 on OpenShift 4.17 Aarch64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21 Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 Minimal
OpenShift Serverless 1.33 on OpenShift 4.12 x86_64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21 Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 Minimal

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15.x Integrations

Tested Integrations are a defined set of specifically tested integrating technologies that represent the most common combinations that JBoss Enterprise Middleware customers are using. For these integrations, Red Hat has directly, or through certified partners, exercised our full range of platform tests as part of the product release process. Issues identified as part of this testing process are highlighted in release notes for each Red Hat build of Quarkus release. This list of tested integrations may expand over time.

Red Hat provides both production and development support for the tested integrations in the same major version family at or above the tested version according to your subscription agreement. Earlier versions of a tested integration in the same major version family are supported on a commercially reasonable basis.

The following databases were tested as part of the Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15.x release. [3]

Databases Versions
PostgreSQL 16, 10
MySQL 8.4, 8.0
MariaDB 10.11, 10.5, 10.3
Microsoft SQLServer Linux 2022-latest
Oracle 23
MongoDB 7.0

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.15.x Limitations for Aarch64

  1. Service binding operator has not been tested with Aarch64 since it's deprecated in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.17
  2. Microsoft SQL, Oracle DB, and IBM DB2 have not been tested with Aarch64

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.8.x

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.8.x Supported Configurations

Supported Configuration for running Red Hat build of Quarkus on JVM

In order to be running in a supported configuration, Red Hat build of Quarkus must be running in one of the following JVMs and operating systems.

Java Virtual Machine Version Operating System / Platform Chipset Architecture
Red Hat OpenJDK [2] 21 & 17 Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform[6] x86_64
Red Hat OpenJDK [2] 21 Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform[6] Aarch64[9]
Red Hat OpenJDK [2] 21 & 17 Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform[6] s390x[4] & ppc64le[4]
Any Adoptium provided JDK [7] 21 & 17 Linux[8] x86_64
Any Adoptium provided JDK [7] 21 & 17 Windows[8] x86_64
Supported Configuration for running Red Hat build of Quarkus as a native executable

Red Hat build of Quarkus applications that are compiled to a native executable using the Red Hat Build of Quarkus Native builder 23.1 for Java 21 container are covered under Production Support on following operating systems.

Operating System / Platform Chipset Architecture
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform[6] x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform[6] Aarch64

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.8.x Tested Configurations

A full range of platform tests have been performed on the following tested configurations using JVM mode.

Operating System / Platform Chipset Architecture Container Image / JVM
OpenShift 4.16, 4.15, 4.12 x86_64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21 & 17
OpenShift 4.15 Aarch64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21
OpenShift 4.16, 4.15 IBM Z (s390x) Red Hat OpenJDK 21 & 17
OpenShift 4.16, 4.15, 4.14, 4.13 IBM Power (ppc64le) Red Hat OpenJDK 21 & 17
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 x86_64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21, Red Hat OpenJDK 17, Eclipse Temurin 21, Eclipse Temurin 17
Windows Server 2022 x86_64 Eclipse Temurin 21 & Eclipse Temurin 17

A full range of platform tests have been performed on the following tested configurations using native mode.

Operating System / Platform Chipset Architecture Container Image
OpenShift 4.16, 4.15, 4.12 x86_64 Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 Minimal
OpenShift 4.15, 4.12 Aarch64 Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 Minimal
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 x86_64 N/A

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.8.x Serverless tested configuration

A full range of serverless platform tests have been performed on the following tested configurations using JVM mode and Native mode

Serverless Platform Chipset Architecture JVM Container Image Native Container Image
OpenShift Serverless 1.32 on OpenShift 4.15, 4.12 x86_64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21 Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 Minimal
OpenShift Serverless 1.33 on OpenShift 4.16 x86_64 Red Hat OpenJDK 21 Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 Minimal

NOTE: Red Hat OpenShift Serverless does currently not support ARM(aarch64)

Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.8.x Integrations

Tested Integrations are a defined set of specifically tested integrating technologies that represent the most common combinations that JBoss Enterprise Middleware customers are using. For these integrations, Red Hat has directly, or through certified partners, exercised our full range of platform tests as part of the product release process. Issues identified as part of this testing process are highlighted in release notes for each Red Hat build of Quarkus release. This list of tested integrations may expand over time.

Red Hat provides both production and development support for the tested integrations in the same major version family at or above the tested version according to your subscription agreement. Earlier versions of a tested integration in the same major version family are supported on a commercially reasonable basis.

The following databases were tested as part of the Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.8.x release. [3]

Databases Versions
PostgreSQL 16, 15, 10
MySQL 8.0, 5.7
MariaDB 10.11, 10.5, 10.3
Microsoft SQLServer Linux 2022-latest
Oracle 23
MongoDB 5.0

[1] Red Hat expects that customers will remain on a supported environment. In the event that a JVM, operating system, database, database driver, etc., or its version is not supported by its vendor, Red Hat may be limited in its ability to provide support and may require you to reproduce the issue in a supported environment for continued assistance.
[2] Red Hat limits support of OpenJDK to OpenJDK builds from Red Hat. For more information on Open JDK on Windows please see this article.
[3] Red Hat build of Quarkus provides a Bill Of Material (BOM), which states the database driver version to use. Only the database extension and the driver is supported as part of the Quarkus subscription, not the database server.
[4] Red Hat build of Quarkus support for Red Hat build of Quarkus support for IBM Z and IBM Power is limited to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
[5] The Red Hat Build of Quarkus Native builder container is default used when building a Red Hat build of Quarkus application using ./mvnw -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true and it is not supported to use in source-to-image (s2i) builds.
[6] The Red Hat build of Quarkus is supported on Red Hat OpenShift Container platform as specified here.
[7] It's supported to use a Java runtime from, but support is limited to issues in Quarkus and does not include any native issues or issues related to another Kubernetes distribution than OpenShift.
[8] Support is limited to the Linux and Windows distributions supported by the Eclipse Adoptium distribution
[9] ARM (Aarch64) has been tested as part of this release. See the release notes for known issue in regards to Aarch64.
