JBoss Web Server Component Details

As part of the Red Hat JBoss® Web Server (JWS) release process, several components may be added or removed for dependency or compatibility purposes. And some components may be included as technology previews. Below are the individual component details for each JWS release.

JBoss Web Server 6

The following components have been integrated into JWS 6 and are fully supported for use in both development and production (according to your corresponding subscription agreement).

JWS Version Apache
Tomcat 10
Tomcat Native
mod_cluster Tomcat Vault jboss-loggin ecj javapackages-tools OpenSSL
JBoss JWS 6.0.0 10.1.8 1.2.36 2.0.4.Final 1.1.9.Final 3.5.0.Final 4.26.0 6.0.0 1.1.1k 1.7.0

[1] Provided by Core Services HTTP Server

JBoss Web Server 5

The following components have been integrated into JWS 5 and are fully supported for use in both development and production (according to your corresponding subscription agreement).

JWS Version Apache Web
Server (httpd)1
Tomcat 9
Tomcat Native
mod_cluster ecj
JBoss JWS 5.8.0 2.4.57 9.0.87 1.2.31 1.4.5.Final 4.20.0
JBoss JWS 5.7.0 2.4.51 9.0.62 1.2.31 1.4.3.Final 4.20.0
JBoss JWS 5.6.0 2.4.37 9.0.50 1.2.30 1.4.3.Final 4.12.0
JBoss JWS 5.5.0 2.4.37 9.0.43 1.2.26 1.4.3.Final 4.12.0
JBoss JWS 5.4.0 2.4.37 9.0.36 1.2.25 1.4.2.Final 4.12.0
JBoss JWS 5.3.0 2.4.37 9.0.30 1.2.23 1.4.1.Final 4.12.0
JBoss JWS 5.2.0 2.4.37 9.0.21 1.2.21 1.4.1.Final 4.12.0
JBoss JWS 5.1.0 2.4.29 9.0.7 1.2.17 1.4.0.Final 4.6.1
JBoss JWS 5.0.0 2.4.29 9.0.7 1.2.17 1.4.0.Final 4.6.1

[1] Provided by Core Services HTTP Server

# No longer supported Versions

JBoss Web Server 3.1

The following components have been integrated into JWS 3.1 and are fully supported for use in both development and production (according to your corresponding subscription agreement).

Component JBoss JWS 3.1.0
Apache Web Server (httpd) 2.4.23 [1]
Apache Tomcat 8 8.0.36
Apache Tomcat 7 7.0.70
Apache Tomcat Native 1.2.23
mod_cluster 1.3.8.Final

[1] Provided by Core Services HTTP Server

JBoss Web Server Plus 3.1

The following components have been tested with JWS 3.1 and are fully supported for use in both development and production with a subscription to JWS Plus (according to your corresponding subscription agreement).

Component JWS 3.1.0
Hibernate 4.2.23

Excluded Elements

The following subcomponents or features have been removed from JWS 3.1.

Component Removed item Comments
Apache Tomcat 8.0 Tomcat clustering has been removed. Red Hat® does not believe this feature is suitable for medium or large-scale production deployments.
Apache Tomcat 7.0 Tomcat clustering has been removed. Red Hat® does not believe this feature is suitable for medium or large-scale production deployments.

Dependent Components

There are no components in this release that are considered dependent components.

Technology Preview Components

There are no features in this release that are considered technology preview.

Deprecated Features and APIs

Component Comments
log4j2 log4j has been removed from the Tomcat community distribution and will not be included in the JWS 4 distribution. It will continue to be supported in JWS 2.x & 3.x according to the established lifecycle. Remediation steps will be documented in the JWS 4 release when the dependency is removed.

JBoss Web Server 3

The following components have been integrated into JWS 3.0 and are fully supported for use in both development and production (according to your corresponding subscription agreement).

Component JBoss JWS 3.0.0
Apache Web Server (httpd) 2.4.6
Apache Tomcat 8 8.0.18
Apache Tomcat 7 7.0.59
Apache Tomcat Native 1.1.32
mod_jk 1.2.40
mod_cluster 1.3.1.Final

JBoss Web Server Plus 3

The following components have been tested with JWS 3.0 and are fully supported for use in both development and production with a subscription to JWS Plus (according to your corresponding subscription agreement).

Component JWS 3.0.0
Hibernate 4.2.18

Excluded Elements

The following subcomponents or features have been removed from JWS 3.0.

Component Removed item Comments
Apache Tomcat 8.0 Tomcat clustering has been removed. Red Hat® does not believe this feature is suitable for medium or large-scale production deployments.
Apache Tomcat 7.0 Tomcat clustering has been removed. Red Hat® does not believe this feature is suitable for medium or large-scale production deployments.

Dependent Components

There are no components in this release that are considered dependent components.

Technology Preview Components

There are no features in this release that are considered technology preview.

Deprecated Features and APIs

There are no features in this release that are considered deprecated.

JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2

The following components have been integrated into JBoss EWS 2.0 and are fully supported for use in both development and production (according to your corresponding subscription agreement).

Component JBoss EWS 2.0.0 JBoss EWS 2.0.1 JBoss EWS 2.1.0 JBoss EWS 2.1.1 JBoss EWS 2.1.2
Apache Web Server (httpd) 2.2.22 2.2.22 2.2.26 2.2.26 2.2.26
Apache Tomcat 7 7.0.30 7.0.40 7.0.54 7.0.54 7.0.54
Apache Tomcat 6 6.0.35 6.0.37 6.0.41 6.0.41 6.0.41
Apache Tomcat Native 1.1.24 1.1.27 1.1.30 1.1.34 1.1.34
mod_jk 1.2.36 1.2.37 1.2.40 1.2.41 1.2.41
mod_cluster 1.2.3.Final 1.2.4.Final 1.2.9.Final 1.2.13.Final 1.2.13.Final

JBoss Enterprise Web Server Plus 2

The following components have been tested with JBoss EWS 2.0 and are fully supported for use in both development and production with a subscription to EWS Plus (according to your corresponding subscription agreement).

Component JBoss EWS 2.0.0 JBoss EWS 2.0.1 JBoss EWS 2.1.0
Hibernate 4.1.3-Final 4.1.3-Final 4.2.14-Final
Spring 2.5.6.SEC033.1.2.RELEASE 2.5.6.SEC033.1.2.RELEASE3.2.3.RELEASE 2.5.6.SEC033.1.2.RELEASE3.2.3.RELEASE
Struts 1.3.10 1.3.10 1.3.10
Google Web Toolkit 2.5.1 2.5.1

Excluded Elements

The following subcomponents or features have been removed from JBoss EWS 2.0.

Component Removed item Comments
Apache Tomcat 6.0 Tomcat clustering has been removed. Red Hat® does not believe this feature is suitable for medium or large-scale production deployments.
Apache Tomcat 7.0 Tomcat clustering has been removed. Red Hat® does not believe this feature is suitable for medium or large-scale production deployments.

Dependent Components

There are no components in this release that are considered dependent components.

Technology Preview Components

There are no features in this release that are considered technology preview.

Deprecated Features and APIs

The following features and application programming interfaces (APIs) are marked as deprecated and will be removed or replaced in a future version. They will continue to be fully supported until they're removed or replaced.

Component Comments
Tomcat 6 Tomcat 6 is deprecated. It is replaced in version 3.0 of Red Hat JWS (the rebranded EWS) with a choice of Tomcat 7 or Tomcat 8
mod_snmp plugin for Apache httpd The mod_snmp plugin will not be delivered in version 3.0

JBoss Enterprise Web Server 1.0

The following components have been integrated into JBoss EWS 1.0 and are fully supported for use in both development and production (according to your corresponding subscription agreement).

Component JBoss EWS 1.0.0 JBoss EWS 1.0.1 JBoss EWS 1.0.2 JBoss EWS Plus 1.0.2
Apache Web Server (httpd) 2.2.10 2.2.14 2.2.17 2.2.17
Apache Tomcat 6 6.0.18 6.0.24 6.0.32 6.0.32
Apache Tomcat 5 5.5.23 5.5.28 5.5.33 5.5.33
Apache Tomcat Native 1.1.16 1.1.19 1.1.20 1.1.20
mod_jk 1.2.27 1.2.28 1.2.31 1.2.31
mod_cluster     1.0.10.GA_CP01 1.0.10.GA CP01
Hibernate       3.3.2.GA CP04

Excluded Elements

The following subcomponents or features have been removed from JBoss EWS 1.0.

Component Removed item Comments
Apache Tomcat 6.0 Tomcat clustering (catalina-ha.jar) has been removed. Red Hat® does not believe this feature is suitable for medium or large-scale production deployments.

Dependent Components

There are no components in this release that are considered dependent components.

Technology Preview Components

There are no features in this release that are considered technology preview.

Deprecated Features and APIs

The following features and application programming interfaces (APIs) are marked as deprecated and will be removed or replaced in a future version. They will continue to be fully supported until they're removed or replaced.

Component Feature/API
Apache Tomcat 5.x Tomcat clustering (catalina-cluster.jar) has been deprecated.
Apache Tomcat 5.x Apache Tomcat 5 will be removed in JBoss EWS 2.0.

For a list of changes to this document follow this link