How to use Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)?

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)


  • What is Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)?
  • How do I configure EPEL?
  • How do I install EPEL?
  • Is content in EPEL supported by Red Hat?
  • How to configure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system to use Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)?


Important Notice

  • The following information has been provided by Red Hat, but is outside the scope of the posted Service Level Agreements and support procedures.
  • Installing unsupported packages does not necessarily make a system unsupportable by Red Hat Global Support Services
    • However, Red Hat Global Support Services will be unable to support or debug problems with packages not shipped in standard RHEL channels.
  • Installing packages from EPEL is done at the user's own risk.
  • The EPEL repository is a community supported repository hosted by the Fedora Community project.
  • The EPEL repository is not a part of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and does not fall under Red Hat's Production Support Scope of Coverage. The repository is considered an optional repository and is not tested by Red Hat quality engineers.

Enabling EPEL

  • Follow the directions on the EPEL website to install the epel-release package appropriate to the RHEL version of the system in question.
  • Ensure that you install the EPEL release that corresponds to the RHEL release you are running.
    • EPEL X must be installed on a RHEL X system (where X is 7/8/9 .. will probably continue in this fashion)

If the installation fails with No package epel-release available., you can install the package directly from http URL, as is also described on the EPEL website.

NOTE: Please do not confuse EPEL with the new Extras channel/repository in RHEL 7.


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