Export a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Virtual Machine Disk to Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform

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OpenStack Image Service (Glance) provides a selection of virtual machine images. These images can be imported into the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager and used as floating disks or attached to virtual machines and converted into templates. The current integration also allows you to export a virtual machine disk to the Image Service as a virtual machine disk image. The Image Service is added to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager as an external provider. The Image Service appears in the Administration Portal as an Image domain under the Storage tab.

This procedure assumes that you have set up an Image Service in your OpenStack environment, and that you have added the Image Service as an external provider in your Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization environment. For instructions on adding an external provider, see Adding an OpenStack Image Service (Glance) Instance for Image Management in the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Administration Guide.

Note: Virtual machine disks can only be exported if they do not have multiple volumes, are not thinly provisioned, and do not have any snapshots.


  1. Log in to the Administration Portal of the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager.
  2. Click the Disks tab and select a virtual machine disk.
  3. Click Export.
  4. In the Export Image(s) window, select the Image Server from the Domain Name list.
  5. Select a quota for the disk, if a quota is to be applied, from the Quota list.
  6. Click OK.

The virtual machine image appears in the Disks lists with a status of Image Locked while it is exported. Depending on the size of the virtual machine hard disk images and the storage hardware, the export process can take up to an hour. When the export is complete, select the Image Server from the Storage tab, and confirm that the virtual machine disk image appears on the Images sub-tab.


  1. Log in the OpenStack Dashboard.
  2. Click Project > Compute > Images.
  3. Select the virtual machine disk image from the list.
  4. Click Launch.
  5. In the Launch Instance window, set the appropriate values for the instance.
  6. Click Launch.

The new instance starts on a compute node. The Instances tab displays the instance's name, its private and public IP addresses, size, status, task, and power state. For detailed information on launching an instance from an image, including an explanation of values in the Launch Instance window, see Launch a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 instance in OpenStack.
