Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

4.6. Administering Repositories in JBoss EAP

4.6.2. Managed Resource Commands

To view attribute values, metric values, and child managed nodes of a resource, like a repository, enter "ls" for a listing. A nicer way to see the same information in a much more readable form is to enter the following:
To obtain descriptions, possible attribute types, and possible child types:
To obtain current metric values:
To obtain current attribute values recursively for child nodes so that you do not have to navigate to each child node:

4.6.3. Administering Repositories with JBoss Operations Network

You can administer hierarchical database repositories using JBoss Operations Network. For more information, see the JBoss Operations Network documentation.


You can use JBoss Operations Network to deploy VDBs that are present in the hierarchical database repository.